PROLOGUE: Successful Escape

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“After her!!”

Holding tight on the long hair of the horse I’m riding to get away from the Knight soldiers who are chasing us, I took a glance at my one year old son who began to cry out.

I used a large blanket that is tied around my shoulder throughout my back to firmly attach him close to me.

I know he won’t fall, but I’m still worried about our current situation...

What if the soldiers manage to capture us?

We will surely suffer if that happens, so I’ll do anything just to get out from this dimension...

I know that from this time onward, Haypri Area---or rather---the dimension of Alliria won’t be a good place for us to stay anymore...

Panting, I did my all to stay strong for our future.

From our house at the village, I rode the horse to get to the near forest of Haypri Area to increase our chance of escape.

Luckily, the Knights were dumb enough to not bring a horse with them. They may have thought that I woudn’t try to escape and just give away myself to them...

Yes; they have succeeded in executing my husband, but I won’t let myself and my son lead a life full of suffering, because of what he did and that absurd rule of Soralis Area.

Getting an enough distance from the Knights, I descended from the horse and run as fast as I could.

It’s good that my son stopped crying now. The Knights will have a hard time finding us in this forest.

“Find her in all directions!! Capture her, at all cost!!” I heard a Knight shouted in the silence of the night. They still seem in a distance from us.

I have to open a portal quickly!

As my heart starts to pound faster, I hid in a trunk of a tree.

I sat on the ground and concentrated, closing my eyes in the process.

As I spread my hand in front of me, I whispered the spell words, “Mayumarie ne nidna...”

When I opened my eyes, a portal is slowly opening, a few feet away from me.

“This is a good decision, right, Winter...?” I asked to my son as I look at his sleeping face even when I knew he won’t be able to answer.

I forced myself to smile despite the anxiety I’m feeling... I took a deep breath.

Picking out the potion from my bag that I bought from someone, I forced my wobbling legs to stand straight and soon enough, I took a step towards the portal, “This is the right decision,” I nodded. “...and I know I won’t regret it.”


AN: This is a work of fiction. Everything that is written here are a product of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living/dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Also, English is not my native language, so please, take it easy on me..

And for the cover of this story.. The credit goes to the respective owner of it. I just saw it in google, so kindly let me use it here.. thank you so much :)

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