PACE EIGHTEEN: Raindrops and an Unveiled Secret

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“And now the most awaited moment in every contests!” the host said, giving me the feeling of excitement, but at the same time, my heart beats faster, because of nervousness. “Let us first give an award for the second place! Who will it be, hm?”

With a drum roll, the host finally announced, “Well, the second place for the contest is... Mr. Soyer Clevier, the pianist!”

We gave him a round of applause and a judge gave him a certificate and a medal.

I wonder who’s the winner...

My index finger continuously tap on my thigh, getting impatient with every passing seconds...

“Now, the winner of this Musicians Contest is none other than... Ms. Amethyst Kreene! Thank you so much for the wonderful flute performance!”

The moment I heard her name, it’s like everything suddenly moved in a slow motion. My feet moved on its own and I stood up from my seat.

I kind of want to run to her side, hold her hand, and say to her how proud I am to what she had achieved...

I saw her wide smile while Aunt Ylliana handed her the trophy and the certificate.

She’s truthfully an amazing person, but I know... she’s still shrouded in mystery...


A day after that eventful Sunday; Monday evening... Uncle Arlon held a little celebration in their house for her daughter who won the contest...

Only several visitors went and have a dinner with them...

And of course, Amey and Riexel invited me to join them...

While eating, I couldn’t help but snatch a moment to glance at Amey’s happy face...

Later, that night, Riexel---along with Meylie---dragged me with both my arms and brought me to an attic---in front of a round window.

“Why did you dragged me all the way here...?” I asked with furrowed eyebrows.

That’s when I realized that Amey’s laying on a blanket spread on their house’s roof.

“Come on, big bro; I’m giving you an opportunity to be alone with big sis... Grab the chance now or regret it for the rest of your life.” Riexel said, urging me to go out of the window.

“We know that you’re more than just interested with Amey...” Meylie added, smirking.

“What are the two of you talking ab---”

“Don’t you dare deny it, Winter; we saw how you stare at Amey earlier...” Meylie cut me off.


“Go, now!” she urged me, pushing me a little on the back.

Then, Riexel opened the window...

I’m still kind of hesitant for this, but my feet went up on it like it has a mind of its own...

My heart started to beat loud and fast...

Suddenly, the two girls pushed me down that I couldn’t control my landing and ended up falling with almost my face flat on the roof.

Amey suddenly sat up, surprised by the loud thud I made.

“O-oh, u-uh, sorry... Riexel and Meylie pushed me, so I---”

“It is alright...” she cut me off.


“Would you like to sit here with me?” she asked, smiling at me.

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