PACE NINETEEN: My Mom's Reason

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AN: Please, reread the last chapter, I edited it and you need to read it again, because a lot changed on it. It's necessary to read the last chapter before reading this part to avoid of you getting confuse... I hope you understand, thank you...

Now, to proceed with the story...


The moment I got inside our house that night, I leaned on the front door and slowly fell down on the floor...

So Amey and her family really are connected to Alliria, but why did she acted like that...?


Why did she suddenly get so angry...?

Even with wet clothes, I searched for my phone inside my pants’ pocket, but I couldn’t find it...

Did I bring it at Amey’s house earlier or not...?

Realizing that I forgot to bring it, I went up on the second floor.

I opened the door of my room and walked inside.

Soon, I saw my cell phone on top of my study table.

I picked it up and instantly call my Mom...

After the fourth ring, she answered it, “Hello?”

“It’s me, Winter.” I mumbled.

“It’s late at night now... What’s the matter, son?”

“I got wet by the rain, Mom... Amethyst and her little sister saw me on my true form.”

That made her gasp, “W-what?! Did they hurt you?! Are you okay there?! Where are you now?!” she asked continuously like she’s panicking.

“I’m at our house now. Amey got angry at me, but she didn’t hurt me physically... Although, Mom... why would you even ask me that they hurt me...? Do you really know a lot about Amey and her family?”

“She got mad at you...?” she stopped talking for a few seconds like she was thinking of something. “Then, there’s only one reason... Wait, I’ll go home just for this night. Someone might hear me if I talk about this here.”


After saying that, she intantly ended the call.

My hand slowly moved to put my cell phone back on top of the study table.

As I wipe my face in frustration, I sat on the floor and leaned my back on the side drawer.

It’s only been several seconds ago, but I’m already getting impatient of waiting for my Mom to come...

Why would everything have to turn out this way...?

Without a warning, I felt a tear fell down from my eye...


“Winter...” I heard a voice called out my name, slightly shaking my shoulder at the same time.

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