PACE SIX: The MVP ~ Part Two

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With that scene, I couldn’t just watch him grasps her wrist like that...

Without a second thought, I went down from my bicycle and quickly used the bike rack to make it stand. Then, I instantly approached them.

“Will you release my wrist?! You are holding it too firmly, it---”

I grasped Rieshay’s wrist---the one that’s holding hers---making her stopped talking, “Let go of her.” I said, almost like ordering him, while I seriously look at him in the eye.

“And who the heck are you to say that?” he retorted while he’s still grasping her wrist too tight.

“It doesn’t matter who I am.” I mumbled while I forced his hand to let go. “Aren’t you planning to let go of her wrist even when you knew that you’re hurting her already? That isn’t a good way to treat a girl, you know...”

“This is not your business, so get lost, bastard.” he retorted, yet again, but I tried to control my temper, avoiding a fight with him.

“You’re may be right about that, but I---”

“Please, cease this argument at once! It is making me exhausted...” said Amethyst in frustration, cutting me off.

For a moment, Rieshay and I just looked at her without saying a word... Thoughtlessly, I let go of his wrist and he did the same with hers.

“Rieshay, please...” she begged of him. “Just stop bothering me...”


“Please, just stop...” after saying that to him, she turned to look at me and thanked me, “Thank you for your concern... but I think I should head home now.”

A second later, she’s already taking her leave...

“Amey, wait! Amey!” Rieshay kept on calling her name, but she’s paying no attention to him and just continued walking at the sidewalk. Soon after, he glared at me. “This is your entire fault, you bastard!” he moved closer and grasps my polo’s collar using both of his hands.

“Why blame me when, in fact, it was your fault, idiot.” I retorted, seriously looking at him.

This guy’s asking for a fight, alright.

But we’re still in the Academy’s vicinity, I shouldn’t let myself be swayed by my irritation towards him right now.

“What did you just call me?!” he shouted as his grip on my polo’s collar tightens.

I forcefully took off his hand from my polo’s collar and looked at him straight in the eye, “Just let me ask you this---why bother pursuing a girl that already rejected you?”

He scorned, “That’s the whole reason behind it.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“Who’s the stupid one here now?”

I just furrowed my eyebrows at him and didn’t say a word at that.

“Okay, since you are insisting on knowing, I will tell you... She’s the first and only lady who rejected me, so it makes her distinct from all the ladies I had a relationship with. She made me feel challenged... I like her more than those good-for-nothing ex-girlfriends of mine, because of her innocent looks and talent at playing an instrument, so I am not planning to give up on her.”

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