PACE FORTY TWO: Introducing Her

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[Winter / Hail]

“Well, I got to go now, my Amey.” I said, giving her my best smile.

“Be careful, alright?” she muttered, reaching out for my hand.

“Yeah, don’t worry; I’ll be okay.”

“Until we meet again, Winter.” Uncle Arlon said while smiling at me.

I nodded at him as a reply.

“Amey, don’t forget to look at the drawing I made for you, okay?”

I slept around 11 p.m. last night just to finish that charcoal drawing of Amey, but despite that, I still woke up early to get ready...

“Of course, I won’t.” she replied while having that attractive smile of hers.

“Okay.” I said, finally turning my back at them.

Truthfully, I want to kiss her cheek before I leave, but with her family around, I don’t think it’s a good idea...

So I guess it can wait...


Thankfully, my travel from Amey’s house to the edge of Soralis went peacefully. Since the news about what happened yesterday got spread quickly here, everyone was actually ignoring me, but at least, it’s better than abruptly being attacked by them.

Soon enough, I used the huge stone there to teleport me back to Haypri...

Upon reaching the village, snow is falling and obviously, nothing had changed at its environment, but I kind of feel the change in its ambiance...

Somehow, this village feels isolated...

Back then, when I heard from Amey that she set my foster Mom free, I tried searching for her here... I did find her and I got into a long conversation with her that time...

But after discovering that I’m finally living with my true family, she decided to go back to Kilick’s dimension and started a new life there.

I stopped walking the moment I reached a certain hut in the village---the hut she once lived in when she was here.

It’s empty, I know... But, somehow, I’m thankful my foster Mom left the dimension of Alliria before the war broke. At least, I know she’s safe...

But this ambiance makes me a little unhappy...

I’m almost at the boundery between this village and the Haypri City, but I still don’t see anyone to greet.

This got me thingking... How many Hayprinians did I actually saved in that war...?

“Prince Hail?!” a man’s voice suddenly called me when I finally reached the City.

When I turn my gaze at his direction, I saw the familiar weapon shop and a familiar man standing there with a surprise look on his face.

T-that’s Xannia’s Dad!

“Mr. Vons...” I mumbled while he’s approaching me.

“What a relief to see you again, Prince.” he said, bowing at me once.

“How are you coping up with...” I trailed off, hesitating to continue my question.

“With my daughter’s death? Don’t worry, I’m still trying to live normal, but with the number of survivals from the war, it’s actually hard to live back to normal. But since you’re here now, the remaining people of our tribe will slowly get the hope we need.”

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