Epilogue: Peace and Happiness

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Sitting while crossing my legs on a large blanket spread on the grass, she handed me a slice of sandwich.

We're having a little picnic here in the little forest of Haypri Area, near the Village...

I gradually took a bite on it as I watch my two kids run around...

They just don't run out of energy, huh?

"I am thankful that everything is so peaceful now..." my Honey stated while busying herself with the sandwiches.

"Yeah..." I replied as my eyes thoughtlessly land on the necklace around her neck.

If I remember right, she said that necklace was a keepsake from her past Mom...

It's been 7 years since the day I got married to my beloved wife...

As what she said, those years went by peacefully...

There might be a lot of hard times, considering our high positions, but... I guess as long as we're together, everything would be manageable...

We seldom fight when it comes to our commitments and usually, it's about our kids... But at the end of the day, we would make up and settle things between us again.

I could say that after all those years, our love for each other didn't change... and in fact, our bond just got stronger and stronger...

"Daddy! Daddy!" Alkeira cried out while rushing towards me. "There's a butterfly, look!" she quickly pointed at the blue butterfly flying near her twin brother. "Isn't it pretty?"

I smiled at my cute little Keira and stroke her soft and silky tan-colored hair, "Yeah, it sure is pretty."

Her brown eyes shone like a bright star upon hearing me say that and her little arms just hugged me so tight.

Everyone says Keira looks a lot like me, not only because she inherit my hair color and the color of my irises, but also because she has most of my features---except for my cat-like ears... So despite that fact, she looks more like a Soralisian like her mother...

Her twin brother, however, looks a lot like their Mom... He has a spiky ash-blonde-colored hair and amethyst-colored irises, but... he has the ears of a Hayprinian...

"Mommy, may I have another sandwich, please?" Hazen asked at Amey, carefully sitting next to his Mom. He crossed his legs and patiently waited for her to give him another slice of sandwich.

"Here, my dear." Amey said while giving him a new slice of sandwich. "You get hungry so fast, huh, Hazen?"

He just tittered at her Mom, having such a bright smile.

Once in a while, we're having a little picnic here, so that we can, at least, have a family bonding...

Sometimes, we're with Mom, Dad and Riexel... Sometimes, with Amey's ex-bandmates...

A week after our marriage, she decided to quit the Blue Circle Band, but despite that, she kind of influences Hazen to learn how to play the flute...

Although, Keira's not that interested about playing the flute; she loves listening to it, but she doesn't want to learn it... She's more into drawing stuffs... She has the talent, after all...

"Daddy, let's play!" Keira requested.

Swallowing the last bite of my sandwich, I stood up and carry her, "Okay, what do you want to play?"

"Let's play tag, but no using of your ability, okay?" her cute voice made my smile wider.

"Understood, my princess."

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