PACE TWENTY SEVEN: My Biological Parents

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“What are you talking about, Reishay?”

He smirked at me like he was so proud of himself that he got my attention.

Just go on, I don’t actually care about your boastful attitude.

“Do you want to go to the dimension of Alliria, now?” he asked.

“What are you saying?”

“They want to see you, after all.”

“Huh? Who are you talking about?”

“I think you should be proud of yourself for being their child...”

My eyebrows furrowed more, getting irritated by him, beating around the bush.

“Just get to the point, Rieshay. I don’t have time to play with you.” I stated.

He chuckled, “Are you ready to be surprise?”

I didn’t reply, instead, I glared at him.

“You know, in a way, I’m somewhat envy of you for being a lucky person... You are the missing son of the Royal couple of the Haypri tribe, after all... But then again, being a royal blood could be quite troublesome, too...”

My eyes widened as I also heard a girl gasped and I became motionless for a second there.

I... I’m a royal blood...?

“T-therefore...” I heard Amey murmured, making me look at her direction. “My hunch... was correct...” she added, taking slow footsteps backwards.

I got confused by her expression... She seems surprised, but at the same time, there’s this hint of disbelief in her face or maybe---it’s a hint of pain...?

I saw a tear fell down from her eye before she quickly ran back to their house. Her eagle that’s flying above instantly followed her...


My attention was focused on Rieshay again when he started talking, “Now then, do you want to finally go back to Alliria?” he has that smirk on his lips while he’s asking that question.

“Are you sure that I’m a royal blood?” I asked back at him.

“Yes, of course.” he instantly replied. Walking closer to me, he handed me two pictures. “Look at that two pictures and you’ll know...”

I saw the blood on my hand, slightly sticking on the picture, but despite of it and the stinging pain on my arm, I did what Rieshay said and looked intently at the pictures.

I got shock to see my own pictures when I was still a baby... I’m familiar with one of the pictures, because I already saw it before on one of our photo albums---the one where I’m wearing simple baby clothes... I wondered where Rieshay got that picture, but I just decided not to ask him more about it.

In the other picture, I’m sure it’s also me, but...

I’m wearing clothes with kind of expensive fabrics... Clothes like that of a prince, I think...? This is the first time I saw this...

“Where did you get this picture?” I asked him, slightly raising that specific picture.

“I got that from the Queen of Haypri tribe herself... That’s the only evidence of you being a royal blood---the ones who are truly connected to the first King of Haypri... You will be the seventeenth King if you happen to inherit the throne. Even if it’s too little, your ancestor’s blood still runs through your veins... It has been more than a thousand years ago since that war between Soralis and Haypri tribes happened...”

When I heard that from him, it’s like he slapped me with the truth.

This pictures are enough proof, I guess...

My hand started to shake, suddenly feeling unhappy, frustrated and irritated at the same time...

Finding out about me being a royal blood...

It’ll give Amey all the reasons to avoid me more... because like what Rieshay stated, our ancestor’s blood runs through my veins...

And now that Mom has been taken away...

What will I do...? Should I need to go to Alliria and live there as a part of the Royal family...?

Bethinking about it, I realized I don’t actually have any other choice...

I may have the Rodrigo family to go to, but... I think Haypri Area is where I should actually be...

There, I don’t need to run everytime it rains just to hide my true appearance and also, I’ll be able to live with my true family...

“I’m sure you don’t know how to open a portal, Winter, so let me help you with that.” Rieshay said, getting me back to my senses.

“No, cousin, let me open a portal for us. So that the portal will take us straight to Haypri Area.” Xannia disagreed to him.


They’re cousins?!

Wait, that may be the reason why she’s so quiet a bit earlier... Rieshay must have told him about this revelation already...

Rieshay smirked, “Fine by me, Xannia. Well, I’ll open a portal of my own, then.”

“One question, though.”

“What is it?”

“Are you going back to Baryn Area for good?” Xannia asked curiously.

So, he’s from the Baryn tribe...

“Of course not; I’ll just check on what’s happening in Soralis... I’m sure, by now, Amey’s surrendering that woman to the Soralis’s Knights.”

Hearing that from him made me more broken...

But I wonder...

Will I ever feel that genuine days of happiness again? Those days before all of this happen...?

“Well, then, I’m off, now.” Rieshay said while turning his back on us. He instantly hopped on his car and left.

“Hm... I think you should put on thick clothes, Winter...” Xannia said as she’s looking on my uniform. “Putting on like three layers of clothes.”

That moment, my feeling of frustration and unhappiness suddenly became that of a confusion...

I stopped for a second and thought about why Xannia’s acting all casual like we’re close friends again...

Did she finally able to move on?

If she does, that would be good for the both of us, because everything between us would never be awkward again...

Although, it’s also a revelation for me to know that she’s from Alliria just like us...

At this rate, there maybe a chance I’ll also suspect Alexis and Sheya to be connected in Alliria, too.

But I guess it’s kind of exaggerating if I actually come to that suspicion...

Though, looking at Xannia, she doesn’t look so unusual to me... She has a pair of black eyes and black hair, after all...

“Winter, hey, are you still there?” she asked, waving her hand just by my face.

“O-oh, I-I’m sorry, what were you saying?” I asked, scratching the back of my head.

She groaned in frustration, “I said that you should put on some thick clothes, but first, I should take care of that wound on your upper arm...”


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