PACE TWENTY FOUR: Pain and Loneliness

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That Tuesday morning, I woke up so late that I questioned myself if I even managed to set an alarm last night...

I heaved a sigh while still laying on my bed, not even in the mood to get up and fix myself to go to the Academy.

It’s like my little own world suddenly got destroyed when I heard those last words Amey said, yesterday...

It’s even a miracle that I fell asleep last night... I don’t know exactly when, but if I remember it right, I’m still wide awake around 3:00 a.m.

All that time, I was thinking about Amey, her voice kept on echoing inside my head.

I don’t know what to do anymore... I feel so broken...

She is my first true love, and yet, she is also my first heartache, too...

Is there really no way for her to stay by my side...? Even if it’s just a friend...?

I heaved a sigh again and finally decided to get out of bed.

It’s too late to go to the Academy now and study. I’m sure the classes are already starting...

To add, I know that my mind won’t be able to focus on the lessons, so why bother...?

Although, Mom would be angry if she’s here right now...

I just realized I’m too weak with this pain and loneliness caused by love...

I heaved a sigh, yet again...

Seeing my cell phone on the study table, I picked it up.

And thoughtlessly, my thumb unlocked it and instantly touched the speed dial number one---Amey’s number.

I didn’t place my phone next to my ear; instead, I just put it on loudspeaker and stared at its screen until the operator says ‘the number you have dialed is not available for the moment, please try again later...’.

Not available, huh? I wonder why...

Suddenly, I felt the urge to see her and so, I put on a polo and pants above my sleeveless shirt and boxer shorts; put on my eyeglasses that’s on the side drawer, picked up my phone again and went out of our house.

I didn’t even bother fixing my hair, because I’m not really in the mood for that...

When I got outside, I slowly walked towards the red gate of Amey’s house, slightly hesitating to ring the doorbell.

I think I’m getting really crazy...

In the end, I found myself ringing their doorbell, but no one came to open the gate after a minute, so I rang it again.

But it was no use... No one’s opening the gate for me.

Did they know it’s me...?

Oh, that’s right; maybe, they are all outside... After all, it’s still a weekday, today...

I’m starting to get forgetful now, huh...

Just then, my phone vibrates and a call pop up.

It’s from an unknown number...

I decided to answer the call and put it next to my ear.

“Hello, Winter...?” the caller said from the other side of the line.

Hm? Is this...


“Yes, it’s me; I got your number last time from Amey... I just called, because I want to ask if you know where Amey is, now?” she asked while her voice seems so worried.

“She’s not at the Academy?”

“Yes, the classes are already starting, so I’m getting worried. It’s not like her to be absent without letting me know... And I can’t reach her phone, too.”

“I’m sorry, but I don’t know where she is... In fact, I’m in front of their house and I think she and her family isn’t home...”

“Oh... That’s troubling... Where could she have gone to? After splitting up yesterday, I haven’t heard anything from her... But did you see her when I told you where she went after splitting up with me?”

“Yeah, I did see her, but after talking to her, she... went home alone...”

“Huh?! Why didn’t you go home with her?!”

“Uh... I’m sorry, Meylie...”

“I’m getting really worried now...” I suddenly heard her say with a broken voice and a second later, she groaned in frustration before she ended the call.

I sighed.

And with frown on my face, I looked up at Amey’s house.

Maybe, I’m the one to blame for this...

I’m kind of starting to despise myself for being a Hayprinian and an idiot...

How I wish I didn’t let her go home by herself yesterday... even after hearing from her that she doesn’t want to see me again.

I should do something and find her...

But before I could take a step, my phone vibrates again.

This time it’s a call from Alexis...

“Hello, Alexis?” I answered his call.

“Hey, bro, what’s up? Why aren’t you here in the Academy? Are you starting to be a delinquent student now?”

I sighed, “I’m... uh, how should I say this? Um, to make it simple, I’m too broken now to even go there and study.”


“Hey, wait, aren’t you in the middle of a class right now...?”

“Nope; our teacher in the first class has an emergency, so it’s a vacant hour for us.”

“I see.”

“Let’s talk about how you got broken, bro; I’m all ears... Good thing I decided to excuse myself from the two girls just to talk to you.”

“I actually don’t want to talk about it, Alexis.” I replied, wanting him to just drop that topic.

There’s no way I could tell him about it...

After all, the problem between me and Amey is something out of the ordinary...

It’ll be too risky for Alexis to know about it...


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