PACE EIGHT: Obsession

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What does he intends to do now...?

Soon, the driver turned to face me, uttering, “I’m sorry, but you have to get down, now.”

“But for what reason?!” I exclaimed. “I am still a bit far from my home!”

“You don’t need to pay for your ride---this guy here paid more than enough, so just get down, will you?!”

Frustrated, I alighted from the vehicle, glaring at Rieshay as he walks nearer.

Once the three-wheel vehicle left, I tried to walk away from him and go home, but all of a sudden, he grabbed my forearm.

This guy is preposterous!

He is too persevere, I am beginning to loathe him...

He just won’t give up regardless of how many times I push him away...

What is wrong with him?!

“Won’t you even thank me for paying the ride for you?” he queried, smirking.

“Did I tell you to do so?” I queried back at him with a tone full of coldness.

He just shrugged, but his face shows that he was affected by my words.

“Never mind, then.” he uttered, releasing my forearm in the process. “Amey, I’m really serious in what I feel for you, so please, be my girlfriend now...”

Quite repetitive, are you? I heard that like fifty times for the past week already...

“My answer would still be a ‘no’ and it won’t ever change.”

All of a sudden, those words of mine made his face so serious, it began to intimidate me...

“Then, you leave me no choice but to do this.” he muttered and the next thing I knew, my necklace  was already in his hand. I was too startle, I couldn’t move for a few seconds...

How could he grab it like that?!

“Give my necklace back!” I exclaimed, only to see his lips curved into a smirk.

“I won’t give it back, unless you say that you’ll be my girlfriend from now on...”

What?! He is blackmailing me, now? This can’t be... I don’t know what I will do if he chose to harm my necklace...

Getting distressed by every passing seconds, I couldn’t find any words to utter.

My hand is trembling, but I am still trying to act calm.

“Still a ‘no’? Then, say goodbye to your necklace.” he uttered, beginning to walk towards the side road canal.

I tried to retrieve my necklace from his hand, but he is too tall for me and him, lifting his arm high makes it really impossible...

“Drop it... or not...?” he muttered to himself.

“No! Please, don’t drop it!” I exclaimed as I jump to try to retrieve it again, but to no avail.

Alliria: Fulfillment of DreamsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora