PACE FOURTEEN: Honesty Over Friendship ~ Part Two

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I didn’t reply to that and just walked onward...

I did my best to act casual when we order our desired food.

She also did the same and somehow, the awkwardness slowly disappeared and it’s turning out okay, I think...

Bearing our dinner with us, we finally sat down on a table that’s on the back left corner of the food court.

I guess she’s kind of enjoying our first dinner together...

She invited me on her nephew’s birthday tomorrow, but I declined, saying the most stupid excuse I have made in my whole life... It’s about being busy and all...

I actually don’t know what to feel at this time, but as long as Xannia still wants to enjoy this, I won’t say anything more that would destroy all of this.

But I know... It’s about time I should tell her the truth...

“Winter, let’s take a picture!” she said, seeming a little excited. “Come, sit here, next to me.”

“Huh? Ah...”

“Come on! Don’t ruin the mood, now.”

Hearing that, I didn’t say a word; I just moved next to her.

With that, she took a selfie of us.

I think I had an awkward smile there...

Soon after, she put her cell phone back to her small hand bag.

After a second, I took a deep breath, “Hey, Xannia...” I called her, but she didn’t look up at me. Still, I continued on, “I know that telling you the truth may hurt you, but keeping it longer will hurt you even more, so I want to honestly tell it to you...” It seems that she’s ready to hear me out now, because she’s not doing or saying anything to stop me from talking. Her gaze is fixated on the floor. “I-I don’t... feel the same way about you... I only see you as someone whom like a sister to me... I’m very sorry...”

There, I saw how her hand that is on her lap balled into fist.

She’s too quiet; it’s deafening...

After a few seconds, I whispered another apology.

She then, took a handkerchief from her bag and wipe her cheeks and eyes, “I-I... understand, Winter...” she finally replied with a broken voice. “Thank you for everything you’ve done for me. D-Don’t w-worry, I’ll be okay...”

She keeps on wiping her tears that seems to be not letting up and I could tell; she’s supressing her sobs.

With that sight, I felt too guilty that I thought of pulling her close to me and comfort her.

But before I could do it, she stood up and left me alone there without even saying a goodbye.

Xannia... I hope you’ll be able to move on after this...

I don’t want to hurt you, but it’s not like I could force myself to like you, too, knowing that I already love someone else...


Sunday quickly passed and it’s already Monday morning, today...

I reached for the alarm clock on the side drawer to stop it from ringing, feeling a little lazy to get out of my bed.

It’s always hard to get up every Monday, because of the two days off from the Academy.

Yawning, I finally decided to get out from my bed and took a shower, right away.

I put on my uniform after: a cotton white polo under a dark blue vest, a light brown pants and lastly---the red oval pin for seniors on my collar.

“Winter, are you awake, now?! Come down! Breakfast is ready!” Mom shouted from downstairs.

“Yeah, Mom! I’m coming!” I shouted a reply, taking my back pack under my study table and instantly went downstairs.

“Take this allowance for this week, son.” Mom said when I got down, giving me a lot of money.

“I think this is more than enough, Mom.” I said, looking at the money on my hand.

“I know, but it won’t hurt to have some spare money. Although, I hope you won’t spend it to something that is not so important, okay?”

“Yes, Mom.”

“Are you really sure about your decision last night? Are you going to be okay staying here alone until Saturday evening?”

“Yeah.” I smiled at her to give her an assurance. “I’ll be okay here alone, Mom; don’t worry. You know it would be a waste if no one stays here from Mondays to Saturdays, right?”

She smiled back at me, “I’m glad to know that you’re growing up into a fine young man, Winter. Somehow, you’re trying to learn to be an independent, now.” she commented, gently stroking my hair. She then, gave me a hug and mumbled a ‘take care always’.

And after that, she took her small baggage and left.

I take in a deep breath.

Yeah, I know I can manage.

With that thought in mind, I ate my breakfast and washed the dishes after.


“Good morning, guys.” I greeted Alexis and Sheya while I approach them at their seats in our classroom.

They both look at my direction---Alexis greeted me back, but Sheya has this look of unhappiness upon seeing me and yet, she seems irritated, too.

“You hurt Xannia so much, Winter.” she abruptly said without looking at me.

It got me off guard that I couldn’t talk for a moment.

Taking a glance at Alexis, his gaze turned a few times at me and Sheya, back and forth.

“Ah, you’ve heard about it, I guess...” the only words that I managed to say at that situation.

“Yes, of course; Xannia would call me about it. I’m somewhat mad at you, because of it, but then, I realized you might have a big reason for rejecting her. But still, I can’t help feeling annoyed the moment I saw you today.” Sheya said with kind of a cold tone.

My shoulder sank, feeling unhappy...

I was about to say something when I accidentally spotted Xannia at the window outside, looking at us.

When she realized I saw her, she instantly walked away and left.

Turning back my eyes at Alexis and Sheya, I saw him staring at the window. It seems he spotted Xannia, too.

Hm, I guess Xannia’s starting to avoid me, now...

“Um, Xannia needs the both of you.” I said, looking down.

“Bro, are you implying...?” Alexis trailed off.

I nod, “Be with Xannia’s side at all times to support her. I’d rather choose to be left alone than to let Xannia avoid our group because of me. I hope you two will bring back the smile on her lips...”

“Winter... That’s not---”

“It would be the best choice, Sheya.” I cut her off. “For her sake...” I added, starting to walk towards my seat on the back corner.


AN: Hi!

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