PACE THIRTY EIGHT: Trying to Save Him

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It might break my heart so much to see him in that state, but I... I would like to go there...

I immediately got out of bed and went in front of my clothe’s drawer.

“You’re going out to see him, Big sis?”


“Okay, I’ll go with you; I’ll just wait for you outside the front door.” she muttered and immediately went outside.

With that, I hurriedly picked out a new set of clothes and took off my sleeping outfit.

After that, I put on a black stockings and pleated skirt... Then, a round neck wool sweater and a white coat. I also put a scarf around my neck and I wore boots as my footwear. Lastly, I combed my hair a bit...

Before I twist the doorknob of my room to open it, I took a deep breath...

Upon going out, Dad suddenly called me.

“Where are you going at this early morning? It’s just 5:30 a.m. Only Rie goes out at this time on a daily basis to exercise, right?” he queried with furrowed brows while carrying a cup of coffee on his left hand.

“I-I will just go outside to see Winter...” I answered as my hands are slightly trembling.

“Hm? Wait, he’s at the dungeon, right? You can’t possibly see---”

“I apologize, Father, but I don’t have time to explain. Rie’s waiting for me; I must go now.” I uttered in a hurry. I didn’t even wait for him to state another word and just head outside without looking back.

Soon enough, Rie and I arrived at the very center of the city and saw a crowd in there. We also hear a lot of murmurs coming from those people.

“Are you certain he is at the center of that crowd?” I queried.

“Yes, I’m sure.” she immediately answered. “Come, let’s try squeezing in.” Rie proposed, yanking me by my forearm. “Excuse us, please.” she uttered and from that moment, we tried to squeeze into that mass of people.

It was difficult, but I am thankful we managed to get into the center and finally had the chance to see Winter... at his worst state...

I felt so much sympathy towards him the instant I saw him...

My chest tightened...

For a second, I somewhat regret going here...

His body, hair and face appear so dirty like they didn’t let him take a shower even once for the past week... He is breathing heavily while he hangs his head down.

I couldn’t clearly see his face, but it appears to be so pale... His lips seem to be so dry... and I think he is having a hard time keeping himself awake.

He is also shivering... His nose gives off smoke every time he exhales...

Rie was right...

At this rate, he won’t last that long...

What should I do...?

Is this the time where I will obey my heart and violate the regulations of our tribe...?

But one thing is for certain...

I won’t just stand here and watch him die; I will find a way to save him, regarless of how impossible it may seem.

I took a deep breath, trying to prevent myself from crying. I should try to be doughty at this time---for the sake of his life.

I wouldn’t forgive myself if he ended up dying in here...

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