PACE FORTY ONE: A Proposal or not?

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That is when he turned his gaze to me and met my eyes...

(My Amey...) I heard Rein called me through my mind.

I am so sorry, Rein, but I think I need Hail’s comfort more than anyone right now...

The instant I told him that, he flew up the dark sky again...

After that, Hail immediately moved nearer and embraced me, caressing the back of my head.

I never thought that Rieshay would do something like that...

I thought he somehow changed, therefore, I gave him the chance to be one of my friends, but I was wrong to give him that...

It just made him worse than before...

I was so shocked earlier. I was petrified and my mind became blank, I couldn’t even utter a spell to counter Rieshay’s attack.

But thankfully, Hail came to my rescue...

I firmly embraced him back, sticking the side of my face against his chest, “Thank you for saving my life, Hail...”

“No worries, but w-wait, you’re kind of hurting me now, Amey. Are you forgetting I have wounds on my abdomen and chest?” he complained, making me loosen my embrace.

“I am so sorry.” I apologized, moving away from him a little.

“That’s him! Please, take him already!” I heard Rie exclaimed, making us look outside our front garden.

Soon, two Knights came near Rieshay and grabbed his wounded arms.

He was groaning due to his fresh wounds all over his body, but he is so silent---he isn’t even trying to free himself... It is like he suddenly lost all his will to live...

I pity him, but... I think he somehow deserves that...


After that not-so-good event, we chose to rest for half an hour and ate some dinner.

Considering what just occured, we actually couldn’t eat that much. All of us were silent the whole time...

“Thank you very much for the meal again, Mrs. Carmel.” Hail uttered, smiling authentically at my stepmother.

She also smiled at him and muttered, “No problem, but please; just call me Aunt Carmel from now on, okay?”

“O-okay... If you’ll excuse me, then.” he excused himself before going to the living room.

I would like to follow him there, but I still have some dishes to wash, therefore, I should do it first...

“Big sis, you can take a break from washing the dishes tonight.” Rie stated as she flashes a smile at me.

I just gave her a querying look.

“Leave it to my care for now, okay?” she answered to my reaction. “I saw how your eyes follow him all the way to the living room, Big sis; don’t you dare deny it. I know you badly want to spend an alone time with him again.”

That is when I heard some giggles from my stepmother, “I guess she fell for him so deep, hm?”

“She sure did.” Father concurred.

Huh? Him, too?!

Disconcerted, I averted my eyes from them, “W-well, thanks, anyways.”

Alliria: Fulfillment of DreamsKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat