PACE TEN: Too Close, it's Embarrassing

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“Did you take your medicine already?” I asked again after a few seconds of silence.

“Yes, earlier this afternoon and I will take another tablet later after dinner.” she replied while picking a sliced apple from its plate. “Thanks for peeling and slicing some apples for me.”

“It’s my pleasure, so no worries.” I mumbled while I couldn’t stop myself from smiling.

She also smiled at me which made me feel more warm inside...

She shines like the stars or a flower under the sunlight everytime she smiles like that. It leaves me captivated, I kind of want to stop the clock and just stare at her face...

Hey, what the?! What am I thinking...?

At that moment, my heart started to pound hard.

Trying to shake the thoughts aside, I focused my attention to other stuff, taking a better look at their house...

Its walls has paint colors of torquoise and white; the furnitures and appliances are simple, yet it looks expensive to look at, because it’s clean and appropriate...

When I spotted four pictures hanging on the wall close to the television, I have guessed that the picture of a man on the top is her Dad, then under it is Amethyst’s picture...

He’s the same man I saw in her phone’s wallpaper along with the girl on the picture under hers.

The last picture at the bottom is a woman with purple hair and pure white skin...

“Um, Amethyst...” I called her name with full of curiousity in my mind.

“Y-yes...?” she replied while still munching a sliced apple.

That was cute, though.

Ah, okay, I should focus with my question first...

“Could I ask who are those people in the pictures? Except for your picture, of course.” I asked, pointing at the pictures.

“Oh... Um, the photo at the bottom is my Stepmother...”

Stepmother, huh...

“She is my father’s second wife and the one who gave birth to my little sister, Riexel---the young lady on the third photo. The only man in all the photos is my father, Arlon.”

“Oh...” I glanced at the pictures once more. “Now, I understand...”

She suddenly took a deep breath and said, “Father once told me before that my mother past away when I was still a six months old baby... She was...” she trailed off and a second later, I saw her hand balled into fist.

She’s not looking at me, but  as I glance at the side view of her face---I could see that she’s on the verge of tears and yet, her eyes seem like it’s full of hatred...

What could have happened to her Mom...?

I thought that this topic is too sensitive for her, so I just decided to drop it off.

“A-ah, do you want some water? I-If you don’t mind, wait here for a minute and I’ll get you a glass of water...” I said, stattering.

She just heaved a sigh and looked down.

But even without a reply, I still decided to go to their kitchen and get a glass of water for her.

Hmm, I’ve discovered a fact, today, though...

The fact that she was lying to me before when she said that she dyed her hair and put on contact lenses...

Her Dad, half-sister and she herself have the same hair color---it would be very weird if they all dyed their hair that way...

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