Echo (B.H)

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Buddy's POV

July 19th, 1959. 4:22 pm. The Nowak Household.

"If y'all could lay off her for a while, that'd be appreciated." I say, standing up. "It's real hard on that poor girl,"

"Oh and how do you know what Violet feels?" Ania asks.

Vincent rolls his eyes. "He probably knows how she feels before she does."


"They've been together for damn near a decade," Juliet chimes in. "You start to catch onto that persons wavelinks."

I nod. "I think I know her pretty damn well," I turn to the door. "If you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go find Vi and actually talk t'her 'bout all this,"

"We've talked to her!" Antoni frowns.

"No, y'all have talked at her, not to her," I reply, walking out the door.

I look around and try to figure out which way Vi went.

Left or right?

She's left handed.

I guess I'll go left.

I put my hands in my jacket pocket and start walking.

I pass various other houses of various other well-off brits.

This looks like where Vi and I will end up with our family someday.

But we'll be in America.

Is this British suburbia?

Sure looks like it.

I come to a cross roads and glance both ways.

Aha! I see Vi wandering around a block or so down to the right.

I jog to catch up.

"Vi, doll, Can we talk!"

Later at the Liverpool Hotel

We pull away and I hug her tightly. "I'm sorry there's so much uncertainty."

"I like it sometimes, I don't want predictable. I'm not predictable."

"I know,"

"Buddy, I know I don't show it a lot but I love you,"

"I know you do, doll." I rub her back. "I understand,"

"I'm scared to see my old orphanage,"

"We don't gotta,"

"Yes, I do. I need to."

"Okay, we can. When d'you wanna head back t'France?"

She takes a deep breath. "Soon, I can't really take it here. I really like Koch and I definitely view him as an uncle, or father figure more like. I've known him forever,"


"And all of the sudden my parents are alive, my mom is horrible, my dad is passive, and I have another sister and brother. It's not okay. I feel so obligated to love them but I don't! I don't mind my siblings, they're probably just as confused as I am. But my parents! I can't deal with them. My mom acts like I owe her something. She acts like I should just accept her with open arms. No. That's not how it works. She's not my mom. Sure, she birthed me, but she didn't make me soup when I was sick and she didn't help me get ready for prom. She just...isn't a mother figure for me."

"I understand, babe. I'm sorry you're caught up in all this."

"Thanks for being here, thank you so much,"

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