ten - God's Gift

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I had been startled awake when a loud bang rang throughout the room. Luc was pacing the room and the door had been swung open into a table.

He kept running his hand through his hair; such a human thing to do.

I sat up on the leather couch and watched him continue to pace. I was confident he had forgotten I was here.

My heart saddened once he perched himself on the edge of the bed and held his head in his hands. He seemed to be extremely troubled by something.

I barely knew him, but he didn't seem like the type to let things affect him.

I wanted to comfort him, but I was quite scared to go comfort him. I wasn't sure how he would react to my actions.

I didn't know how much longer I would be able to stay awake too. My light hadn't replenished my body yet and I was on the verge from passing out, but I didn't want to sleep knowing he was clearly upset about something.

Just as I went to get up the entire room burst with such pure light. I guess I had spoken too soon.

My knees hit the floor as the power of the light rushed back to me leaving us in the dark room again.

When I looked up I wasn't by the couch anymore, no I was next to the bed directly in front of Luc. His eyes where that weird bright green, but this time blue was floating around the edges and red was lining his pupil.

He lifted his hand towards my arm and held it an inch away as he followed from my elbow up to my shoulder. The little hairs stood up towards his hand and I could feel the electric crackle in the air. Something was changing the air around us.

Was it weird to say I wanted to feel his skin against mine? Was it weird to want to know if his skin was warm or cold? Was it weird I was desiring this man I knew nothing of? 

"What's your name, Little Angel?"

His words were so soft I almost missed them, almost.

"Vanna." I didn't hesitate. I didn't stall, and I didn't play a game with him. Perhaps my own name was none of his business, but I had no problem with him knowing my name.

I smiled when a small chuckle left his slightly parted lips.


"Do you know what your name means, Little Angel?"

I shook my head still looking up at him. I had never stopped to wonder what my name meant, and I found it ironic because I had told him what his name meant, and now he was telling me what mine meant. This should be interesting if he was chuckling.

"Vanna is Hebrew for God's gift or the pure and beautiful one. You are a gift to someone from God."

"How can that be possible, my father has kept me hidden because he saw how corrupt the world would become if they knew of my existence. Never once had he mentioned me being a gift to anyone."

He nodded his head and leaned in closer.

"Perhaps the person you were intended for did something that made God change his mind."

I nodded as his words registered in my mind. It was very possible. Humans change all the time, as do angels. Sadly, this only opened more questions in my mind.

"Who do you think I could be a gift to," I asked sincerely.

"Well, my guess is an angel since you are an angel too. If you were made for a Human I would imagine you would be a human on Earth right now, instead of talking to me in Hell."

He made a very valid point. My eyes widened as a thought popped into my mind.

"What are you thinking in your pretty little head?"

"What if I'm a gift of sexual intentions? What if my father made me, the only female angel, to seduce and please another angel? Would he really do that?"

My mind was racing so fast as I stood to my feet and began pacing.

"I doubt that is your destiny. However, I believe you could be a mate to an angel. You are meant to love that angel and care for them, and them to you."

I nodded still pacing. My feet abruptly stopped as I registered what he said earlier.

"Did you call me pretty?"

"Well, I can't deny your beauty. You are a very extraordinary angel. One made of pure love and heart. It would be hard not to recognize your beauty."

I turned away and blushed at he poetic words. Did he really just say that? This man who hardly was nice said something sweet to me. 

"What were you upset about earlier," I questioned as I turned back around to face him.

His hand rubbed over his mouth and he looked away.

"Nothing to concern yourself with, Little Angle."

He smiled but it didn't reach his eyes, and I knew instantly that it was still bothering him.

"Go back to sleep Little Angel, and you don't have to sleep on the couch. You are allowed to sleep in my bed. I don't use it much anyway, and if I did feel like sleeping I can just sleep on the couch."

"I have no problem sleeping on the couch, really." Before I could make it to the couch I was whipped around by an invisible force and landed in the safety of his bed.

I was encased by the black silk blanket and the pillows held my head perfectly. This bed was the exact definition of sleeping on a cloud.

When I opened my eyes there was Luc leaning down above me.

"Sorry, but not sorry."

I looked at him confused until he reached his hand up and rested them on the sides of my face. Slowly he leaned in and pressed a soft kiss against my forehead. 

Almost instantly darkness pulled at the edges of my vision, and Luc was the last thing I saw. 

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