The Beach and the sun

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Jack and Elizabeth had dinner. Usually , their 19 year old daughter MaKenzie was with them but currently she is in Hamilton with her friends.
Jack has bought some wine and chicken and made an amazing dinner for them. They really came closer since they lived together.
Jack looked at Elizabeth and smiled. She looked back at him and her cheeks turned red instantly .
It was still like the day they've met. Both were constantly blushing and smiling at each other.
They finished dinner and decided to go to bed early.
Little did Lizzy know that tomorrow she will wake up to a surprise.

~~~~~~~~The next day~~~~~~~~~

Elizabeth woke up and the other  bedside was empty . Where could Jack have gone so early in the morning? She soon was about to find out as she saw the little note on Jacks pillow :
»Hello beautiful! I wanted to give you something special just because i love you so much! Meet me atat the beach.
I'm looking forward to see you there sweetie.
Your  lovely , Jack «
Elizabeth smiled. But then she realized , it's already 8:15 ! If she wanted to be punctual then it was time to get dressed.

Faster then ever , Lizzy was dressed and on her way to the horse barn .She loved every single morning in Hope Valley ! It was stunning. While she was getting her horse ready , Rosemary stormed in „Elizabeth do you know where Lee is ? He was supposed to stay home today. I can't find him anywhere ! “
„Sorry Rosemary but i have not seen him but i'll keep both eyes open.“
„Thank you Elizabeth“ she got out as fast as she got in. It was time for Elizabeth to get going.

~~~~~~~~At the beach~~~~~~~~~~

As she walked over the Sand, she noticed something . it looked quite different. There was wood and seaweed everywhere. Usually it was nice and clean.
She got around a corner and her heart stopped. A ship crashed into some rocks in the bay and it was complettly broken. But if you looked closely you would see a human body laying between the wood. It was a little girl with black and red hair. Hopefully she was alive !
Sorry for spelling mistakes . English is not my primary language. Give me your oppinion down bellow or PM me.

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