Is this the right thing to do?

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PoV Kenzie

I was in the living room at home with my two little angels. They were both sleeping and I was exhausted as well.
I wanted to wait until Evan comes home but he was gone so long that I fell asleep on the couch.
I heard the door closing and opened my eyes. He finally bothered to come home. It was much worse then I thought it would be.
„Where the heck do you come from ?!” I wisper yelled to not wake the babys. „Honey ! I'm so sorry! I should have been with. I .... I couldn't...I was to scared. I'm not good with children you know ?” I sighed „It isn't about Shae and Lizzy , it is about us. You weren't there when I needed you. I counted on you to help me through this and you weren't there!
I start to questioning if the engagement was such a great Idea. If I can't trust you how are we supposed to get married and live together? If I can't trust you , is it the right thing to do then ? To agree that I want to spend the rest of my live with you!”
Tears started to run down my cheeks and I was shaking. I felt betrayed.
„MaKenzie Gabrielle Thornton , Did you just questioned my love ? I will never leave you alone again. I wasn't there and I am sorry. I know a simple 'i'm sorry' doesn't help but I want you to know that I love you , that I will always love you and that I hope you still love me too and that you can forgive me at any point in our live. It doesn't have to be now. Just promise me to forgive me in the future.”
Now he was crying as well. I started to break down and Evan hugged me tight.
We sat there for about half an hour until our babys started to get hungry.
I decided to feed one at the time and hand the other one over to Evan until I had to feed the other one.
I smiled as I saw him sitting there with our future , smiling at the human live we crated. At this point I was sure that Evan was going to be the best dad ever.

PoV Elizabeth

I was already late at night. Kenzie went over to her house to wait for Evan and Jack rode out to find Merrick and his aunt. I was watching over Lea and I tried to help her as much as I possibly could. She was shacking like a tree in a storm and she was dehydrated. I couldn't get her to drink anything. She also had a hard time breathing. I was like someone was squeezing the air out of her lungs and her fever got to a point where any normal human should be dead. But there was something special about her. None of us could figure out what it was.
I was afraid that if Merrick wouldn't return on time , Lea would die.

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