Strange thing happened

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PoV Jack

It was pretty dark and we heard the wolves howling. It was somehow scarier than the last time I went out in the dark. I heard some noises behind the trees and it really freaked me out at that point and I was just about to turn over and go back home as two people came down the path in the woods. Next to them a pony ? No , was a wolf. „Merrick ? Is that you ? " I asked to be sure. „Yes , we aren't to late are we ?" there was concern in his voice. „Thats my aunt Freya. Aunt Freya this is Constable Jack Thornton." „A mounti eh? What would you have to do with my niece ?"
„We took her in after finding her at the beach a couple of weeks ago ma'am. Her parents are dead , she didn't know where to go."
She just nodded. I knew she didn't trust me.
We made our way back

PoV Elizabeth

I haven't told Kenzie about my pregnancy yet. I didn't want to stress her because of her pregnancy. But now I think the time has come. I walked over to their house and nocked on the door. My daughter opened with little Shae in her arms.
„Hey mom ! Come in , what's up?"
I gave Kenzie a kiss on the cheek and gave my grandson a kiss on his head. He chuckled. His little hands were reaching for me so Kenzie handed him over to me. „I think he likes you more than he likes me." Kenzie joked „ yeah sure , because I am awsome !" I laughed and sat next to Kenzie and Lizzy on the couch.
„I have to tell you something , it's important that you stay calm and let me finish alright? " „Yeah sure , what is it ? Are you hurt ? Is it about Lea of Evan ? " Kenzie slightly panicked „No, no , it's non of those things. It was about 2 or 3 months after you told me you were pregnant. I startet to feel weird , like in the mornings. After two weeks , I went to the infirmary because it has been getting worse and then Carson told me I .. I was pregnant too. " Silence , long , uncomfortable silence.
„ I know." Kenzie looked at me , she was angry . „What ? How .. I don't understand." she turned her body to face me more „ I know you are pregnant. What I don't know is , why didn't you tell me? It seems like everyone got told except for me. I'm your daughter , mom. " her face turned red and I was shocked. Maybe it wasn't a good Idea to tell her after all.

PoV Lea

I felt weird , kind of like I was flying. But I knew for a fact that I was still on the couch in miss Elizabeths house and I was alone , all alone. They all left me.
I was cold , like someone put me in the freezer. I couldn't move , I couldn't see.
I tried to open my eyes. When I looked up , to where the ceiling was supposed to be , I saw the sky , deep blue sky and a stone tower. In one of the Windows I spotted a person , it was him. After I saw him a knew I was flying , literally flying , falling.
He threw me out of the window on the 10th floor of the tower. The floor where he had locked me , tortured me . Without somebody knowing.
I was helpless , hopeless. Destroyed.
Nobody helped me. I miss my brother. Where is he ?
I was falling , he needs to save me . Merrick , where are you?!

PoV Merrick

We arrived at the house and jack opened the door. I saw my sister on the couch. Pale and panicked. Sweat all over her face. She had fallen off the couch and by the time I reached her she curled herself into a ball and cried. She was shaking and was wispering my name and something like ' he did it again , help me please'
It was horrible to see her like this.
I picked her up and held her to me as tight as a I could. I tried to calm her down. She started breathing normal again when I kissed her on the head and shushed her. What on earth did this guy do to her?!
„Merrick . " it was Freya. „I need you to place her on the table there." she pointed over to jack who was cleaning of the kitchen table. I slowly stood up , careful to not drop Lea , and placed her on the table.
Freya then took my hand. „You need to concentrate buddy. Can you do this for me?" I noded. Great , it's getting fun now.
She placed my hand on leas chest and spoke a spell. My hand startet to heat and our environment started to change. The wooden walls got replaced by stone walls. We heard a door behind us and we turned around. There he was , the guy who has called himself our father.
He stepped to a strawbed. I could make out , little Lea from 2 years ago.
He just grabbed her and pulled her up. I thought she was sleeping but in fact she was just weak. To weak to defend herself.

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