Are you mad ?

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Elizabeth ran back to her daughter „Kenzie what's wrong ?“ She just shaked her head and took a step back. She put her hand on her mouth , turned away and literally lost all her stomach content to the floor. As she was done , MaKenzie was breaking down to the floor , crying in pain. „Oh god Kenzie!“ Elizabeth holds her daughter in her arms. Carson walked by. „ Elizabeth what happened?!“ Carson picked Kenzie up and told Elizabeth to follow him to the infirmary.
As they reached the infirmary , Lea was asleep. Carson didn't  want to wake her up so he put Kenzie on a bed on the other end of the room. „Can you get faith pls?“ Carson asked Elizabeth. „But Carson , i don't want to leave her.“ Tears were streaming down her cheeks. „Listen Elizabeth.I understand you but you can't do anything right now. Pleas get Faith. I may know what's wrong with her but i need Faith to confirm it.“

While Elizabeth ran to find Faith and Carson tried to make Kenzie stop throwing up , Jack , Lee , Jesse , Henry and Mike were searching for survivors at the beach.

Jack and Lee were trying to jump over the rocks with out getting wet. The big parts of the ship were not that far out in the bay but far enough to get stuck in the big rocks. „Lee watch out !“ Jack tried to warn his friend by shouting at him , not a good idea. It was to late and the other man fell into the water. „Dang it ! “ „You OK?“
„Yeah i'm good. It's just cold as heck. Wait a minute! I think i see something down there!“ Lee pointed down to the ground of the bay. „Let me see , oh no...“ and there Jack went , he fell into the water as well. „Well now I can see better.” Jack said while looking down where Lee pointed at.
If you looked closely your were able to see a few bodies between the seaweed and stones.„Maybe I can .....” and then Lee dived down to the bodies and jack prepared to take them on the Big rock they both fell off.

Back to Elizabeth . she found Faith and they got back to Kenzie and Carson.

Faith and Elizabeth entered the room. Faith headed strait to Carson. „What do we have?” „She's been throwing up for the last 10 minutes. Constantly thirsty. I was thinking about Pregnancy diabetes.” Faith nodded and started to check Kenzies abdomen. „Well looks like your right Carson. She is pregnant.”
„She is What?!”

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