The Arrival

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After she told her father more about her boyfriend , she decided to write the letter. After she was done , she asked Elizabeth to bring it to post office. Carson entered the room. „Actualy MaKenzie you can bring it your self. Your mother can take you and Lea home but the both of you need to rest.
MaKenzie jumped out oft her bed and into Carson's arms. „Thank you so much doctor Shepherd!“ he just smileed and huged her back. „You're very welcome sweetheart.“ MaKenzie turned to Lea who was still sleeping.
„Can we pick her up when she is awake ? I don't want to wake her up now.“ her mother smiled bright and grabed her daughter by her arm. „Come on ! Let's get this letter to Evan.“

When they reached the post office , MaKenzie got very , very excited ! „I'm so happy that you will meet my child's father ! He is very sweet and caring and i'm sure he will be happy about this!“ she layed her Hand on her stomach and smilled. „I'm pretty sure he will be happy but we need to see if your dad wants to kill him . “ she laughed „Mom!“ „,Sorry.“

One week later

Lea was sitting on the couch. Nobody could tell her what has happened to her family. They all were really concerned about what her reaction would be. Lea kind of knew. They didn't came to Hope Valley. On the one site she was glad that her father died on the other site she was sad that her mother died. After what her dad had done to both Lea and her mother Josselyn . there will be a time where she could talk about it in front of Jack and Elizabeth. But they time hasn't arrived yet so the only person who could help her now is her brother Merrick. She knew picking favorites is not 'allowed' with that amount of siblings but he was and will always be her favorite. His twin sister Kate was cool too but he was just the best. Every time i was sad or dad had one of his ' I'm trying to kill you by locking you in that soundproofed room and taking away your air ' Moment , she just teleported to him. She could do that. She had a secret no one knew about. Maybe she would tell somebody , maybe not. For now a letter would do it's job. Maybe he would come to visit her in Canada. New York was a little far away but most of the time , Merrick didn't care about any distances. Hopefully he won't now.

A knock on the door pulled Lea out of her thoughts. While putting down the pen she had used for writing a letter to her brother , she opened the door. „Hello is MaKenzie here?“ a strange young man was standing in front of her. As fast as she could , she looked to the ground. The panic was slowly crawling up to her brain and she tried to talk calmly. „No Sir , i'm sorry but she is on a check up in the infirmary. It's down there on the left site."  Lea pointed down the street. ”uh..thank you miss.“ totally confused , the man was walking down the street.

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