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As fast as she could run over the sand , she ran over to the girl.
She seemed to be hurt. Elizabeth sat down next to her and grabed her hand. She saw how some green eyes glazed at her before the kid passed out again.
What should she do ? She needed to do something. Lizzy decided to get her and put the kid on the horse with her. Elizabeth leaded the horse towards the place ,  where she would have met Jack.
As she got closer she realized  that the girl was in really bad shape, when she started shacking in her arms. How long was she already out there all alone ?
As she got closer Elizabeth could see Jack next to a house. Also she spotted Lee who tried to hide on a tree.

„Jack , Lee !!! I need your help.”
She jumped down her horse , still holding the kid.
„Where did you find her?” Lee jumped down the tree and walked over to Elizabeth and Jack , who arrived as well .
„She was laying down there at the beach.” she pointed in the direction where she found her
„She is hurt and needs help right now!” „I'll take her , you and Lee go to find Carson. He left this morning and is on his way to Hamilton with faith. Go now.”
Jack took the girl and jumped on his own horse while Lee and Elizabeth already went to get Carson and faith back.

As he arrived in Hope valley , Carson already returned and waited for his patient at the infirmary. While Lizzy and Lee were waiting for Jack  , Rosemary steped out of the mercantile across the street. „Hide me !”
Lee sneaked behind Elizabeth to avoid being seen by Rosie.
„Lee , what is that about ?” Elizabeth asked and smiled. „You know I love her , but there are times were I just can't handle her attitude and let me just say  I am not overreacting in any way. She wants me to help her clean the house.” Elizabeth laughed „What is so bad about cleaning the house ? I mean in the end she will do everything by her self because you won't do it 'right' in her opinion.”  „It's the third time in two weeks and the house is not a mess at all . you even could eat of the floor.” „Oh that's strange. Maybe you...”  Before she could continue in giving Lee advise in Women , Jack arrived with the little girl. Carson looked at her not even two minutes and already knew whats up. „She is burning up with a Fever and she is shaking like hell. She also is dehydrated . She may not make it through the next twenty four hours. But if she does , I think she'll fully recover. I'll keep her here 'till she wakes up. Do you know her name ? ” Elizabeth shaked her head „No , I've found her on the beach between a shipwreck . It must have crashed days ago. I don't know how long she was out there ”. Elizabeth started crying and Jack and Lee try to comfort her as good as they could.

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