Home sweet home

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PoV Lizzy

While Jack was at the infirmary , Abigail came over and took me for a walk. The night was beautiful like always. Hope Valley is such a magical place. „Abigail ? There is something I need to tell you , and you are the only one who is going to know it. Well Faith knows too but that's another thing.“ Abigail looked conserned „What is it Elizabeth?!“ „Well ,...I'm pregnant again.“
It was quiet for a few seconds but then Abby smiled at me and nearly threw me to the ground. „That is amazing ! How far along are you ?“ „ two moths. Can you do me a favor? Please don't tell anyone. I want to tell Jack first!“ the shock in my friends face made me laugh „He doesn't know?! How does the father of your child not know?“ I smiled „We have a lot to do , with Makenzie beeing engaged and me beeing engaged as well ...“ „You are what?!“ Abigail put her hand on top of her heart. „Do you want to kill me ?! I'm getting a heartattac!“ I laughed harder
Then a door opened and Lee stormed out in the direction of the horse barn.
„Lee, are , you Okay?“ I asked him. „Fine , I'm fine , I don't want to ... Are you Okay?“ I don't know what happened but I got really dizzy and all of a sudden , I fell. „Lizzy?!” Abigail catched me and I was a bit confused. „Is this normal Abigail ?” „ Oh yes , but usually not for two months. I got it when I was pregnant at four months. Maybe you're further along !” „Hey ! Lee to Abigail , what's going on?!” We literally forgot he was here. „Oh nothing special, I'm just a little  pregnant with my second child. How was your day going?” the look on his face was priceless!

PoV Lee
„Oh nothing special , I'm just a little pregnant with my second child. How was your day going?”

I must have looked very confused , because Abigail and Elizabeth started laughing at me. „That's fantastic! Congrats , I'm sure you guys are very excited to be parents again.” „Well , Jack doesn't know yet , but thank you!”
„He DOESN'T know ?!” „but I'm going to tell him soon.” „Where is he?” „Lea got sick again and he took her to the infirmary. She probably needs a lot of time to recover from what happened with the ship.” „Or she's just sick because it's pretty cold lately. I've been sick this week too.” „But you went to work all week! Is that why Rosemary was ...how should I say..” „Concerned and angry? Yes , that's why. She said that I could have died or something. Maybe she was right because I really fell like dying.” this was not even a lie! I thought I was better , but unfortunately I'm not.„We are going to looks after Lea and Jack right now. Wanna come? Maybe Carson can help you!" I nodded „Sure”

PoV Merrick

I was sitting on a chair next to Lasse. My sister fell asleep on my lap. This hole thing was beeing unnecessary complicated. „So you are here brother?" This Carson guy was still confused . „Yes I am. We have ...well...had the same parents. Josselyn and Jackob Stark.” „What was your name again?” did I mentioned that I disliked the constable. „Merrick , Merrick-William Stark.” „I have an other question. If you could help her , you know what she has right?” „Oviouslly you don't know anything about her. She has a weak Immunsystem and she gets very sick , very easily. I would really appreciate it , if you would just let me take her home so I can take care of her!” I'm starting to get a bit angry here. Luckily Lasse stepped in as it got a bit more intense. „Why would we trust you?” Doctor shepherd was nice and all but his questions were annoying as heck. „Why wouldn't you?” Lasse took a defense position infront of me. „And what is going on here gentleman?” three other people stepped in. I almost didn't recognize her but after a few seconds , it clicked.
„Hello , Elizabeth.”

Hope for love जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें