The Witch and the Wolf

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PoV Merrick

The wolf , which appeared to be my little sisters pet , just stood there and growled at me. „Lyanna ? Do you remember me girl ? I'm Leas brother.“
Her ears moved up and her eyes went soft and she literally run me over and licked my face. „Ly...lyanna would...would you stop please ?!“ I laughed at her while trying to remove this oversized dog from my body.
„I think she likes you more then she did before you left.” A warm , familiar voice appeared behind me and two arms scooped me up. I turned around and fell into my aunt's arms.
„Aunt Freya! I need your help ! ” „Woah there clever boy , calm down.” she put her hands on my shoulders and looked me over. „You're shaking ! Come inside you need to warm up . It gets pretty cold at night.”
She turned around and spoke a magic spell. The big tree on my left started to move. It is a big Turtle. Like a gigantic turtle. My aunt life's under the it in a small house.
She placed me on a chair , wrapped a blanket around me and put a cup of tea in my hands.
„All right Merrick. You said you need my help.” „Yes! My sister , Lea , the little one. She is really sick and no one knows what's wrong with her. She almost died ... You need to help her .... please...” I couldn't help my self and started crying. Aunt Freya pulled her chair closer and hugged me.

PoV Elizabeth
After my daughter welcomed her baby's , Lea started to cough really bad. She went out of the room to not risk the newborns life , but something was clearly not okay with her. She was still sick with an illness that nobody could identify. You could see in her eyes that she was suffering.
I followed her out side to make sure she was okay but as soon as I saw her pale face I knew she wasn't. I picked her up and put her back on the couch down stairs. She was shaking and had a very high fever again. I was still praying that Merrick would return in time but Lea was getting weaker and weaker and I didn't know how long she would be able to fight.

PoV Freya
It really broke my heart to see my nephew like this. I've never seen him cry like this. Not even at his brothers funeral.
„Shhh , it's fine buddy ! Come on we need to go . I promise I will do whatever I can to help her.”

We packed a few things I would need and we took lyanna with us. As we made our way back to hope valley , I asked Merrick to explain to me what the heck they both were doing in Canada and how he found me.
„I have no idea how Lea got here . She just wrote me a letter that she is in hope valley and that mom and the guy who calls him self our father was dead. And do you really think Uncle Tony wouldn't know where you are ?

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