Kids should be happy

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PoV Elizabeth

Everyone was shocked and nobody moved for about two minutes, then everything went very quick. People were moving and getting water buckets, Bill Avery went off to grab some volunteers to look for Opal's parents.
I ran over to Opal and pulled her away from the house. She was crying and screaming for her mother. I picked her up and walked over to Abigail's Café. Rosemary followed and we both sat down with Opal and tried to comfort her as good as we could without freaking out ourselves.

They couldn't get the fire under control until about midnight. Jack told me to go home and take Opal with me. Rosemary and Abigail also stayed with me since Frank and Lee were still involved with trying to stop the fire from spreading. The poor little kid cried herself to sleep knowing that her parents couldn't have survived this. Abigail slept on a mattress next to my bed and next to Opal who was sleeping on a sofa in my room. Rosemary was sleeping on the sofa downstairs in the living room. I couldn't sleep, not only because of the recent events but the little monster in me decided to have a party.

PoV Jack

We thought we had the fire under control but it just kept spreading and spreading. One man almost lost an arm because of a housebreaking down. This is going to be a long, long night. Bill, Frank, Lee, Ned,, and I tried to get as much water as the others needed but five people weren't enough.
A few kids showed up to help and Robert had the idea to build a chain so we could pass the water buckets on.
Carson had already six people in the infirmary because of injuries that happened while trying to help the surviving people out of the houses.
It couldn't get worse than it already was

PoV Elizabeth

The baby wouldn't stop kicking for about an hour and then I felt liquid on my legs. Great, my water just broke.
„Abigail Wake up please!" she was wide awake within seconds „Elizabeth? Is it the baby? Are you okay? " I started to panic „My water broke, it thinks the baby is coming, now !" Abigail was confused for a minute. „Like now?" „Yes, RIGHT NOW!" I didn't mean to scream but I was so scared at that moment. „Get Kenzie, and Carson or faith, I don't care who, just help me !"
Looked like I was loud enough to wake up Rosemary became two minutes later she was standing in my doorframe. She stared at us for about thirty seconds and then she ran downstairs to get Carson.

----------------------Time Skip---------------------------------

Abigail sat in Bed with Lizzy while Carson held her hand. Faith was still gone to get Kenzie but returned shortly after the pain got worse.

„Mom? Are you alright?” Kenzie walked in and looked concerned.

„Kenzie come here! Hold your mother's hand okay? I need to check if the baby is in the right position!” left Elizabeth's side to check on the baby while faith was placing a wet towel on her forehead.

„Okay. Elizabeth you need to push now alright? It's almost there I can already see it's head!”! Carson smiled at Elizabeth and Abigail held Lizzy close to her while Kenzie was holding her mother's hand and had tears in her eyes!

„Mom! I'm going to meet my brother or sister soon!” Lizzy smiled through the pain. „Yes you are!"

„One more time Lizzy, come on!” Carson said and smiled

And then the next second, Faith held a crying little baby in her arms.  Carson looked her over and then he handed it to Elizabeth.

„It's a boy! Congrats! He is all healthy!”
The little baby stopped crying when he was settled into his mother's arms.

Abigail, Kenzie, and Elizabeth were all crying
„I love him already!” Kenzie said and kissed her brothers head.

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