Who is she ?

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Elizabeth sat on a couch in the infirmary. Jack next to her. Both were having an eye on the kid while Carson was getting some food for all of them. As he got back he smiled „There is somebody i've found on your stairs! He opened the door a bit more and MaKenzie sneaked in. „Looks like there was a lot more going on than I thought" she said while hugging both her mother and her father. „Dr. Shepherd told me about the kid you found. Did she wake up yet ?" „Yes she has " a weak voice spoke to them.
„Oh hey , can you tell us your name ? " „Lea" while she spoke to them she wasn't able to make any eye contact.
All in all she was very weird.
„Okey Lea , do you know where you are from ?" Carson sat next to her and tried to check her pulse but she instantly pulled her hand away from him and hided under the blanket. Elizabeth looked at Carson in schock but he shaked his head. „Can you come out of there ?" „No. To many people"
„At this point I have you ask everyone to leave pleas. You too Elizabeth ."
As everyone left , Lea peaked out of the blanket , still not making eye contact. „Where am I ?" „In hope valley. Next big town is Hamilton." „I'm in Canada? How the heck did I came here ?" „You're not Canadian ? "
„No , Scottish. I was on a ship to New York ."
„Elizabeth has found debris the beach." „I remember " she said „We got into a hurricane. Did you find my parents ? " Carson was shaking his head „No, just you. Why don't you go with Elizabeth ? I'm sure she would be nice to you and one of her students can borrow you some new clothes. We will go and look for your parents and maybe other survivors. " Lea noded wither her head.

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