Welcome to Hope Valley

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PoV MaKenzie

I was in labor for about ten hours now and Evan was still nowhere to be found. I had no time to worry though because the pain nearly killed me. Lea was still holding my hand and my mother tried to calm me down. „ Kenzie , honey ! You have to breath okay? Come on , in for two , out for two , in for two , yeah that's good. Keep going baby girl!" I couldn't really focus on anything but I tried my best to breath.
„ I'm sorry MaKenzie , but you still have a few hours to go." Faith check on me every thirty minutes and then goes back and forth between Lee's hous , because unfortunately he got worse and was throwing up the hole night , and Abigail's house because she had to get her and watch over Cody who apparently got sick with the flu too.
As I was laying there , crying in pain , my mother and Abigail started to chat about the time when they were pregnant.
„When I was pregnant with MaKenzie ... I was just the weirdest person ever. The only thing I would've ate was pickles and jam. It was disgusting but it was amazing , like you know what I mean right ?"
Abigail laughed and hold my hand tighter when another pain wave hit me. „Pregnancy cravings are weird.
I only ate Oatmeal. For Breakfast, Lunch and dinner but I couldn't really keep it down. Morning sickness was a bitch. I remember you being sick of literally everything." „Oh yes !" my mother laughed with Abigail. I was feeling less pain then before now and layed back into my pillows. Suddenly I felt a weird pain in my stomach again , but not from labor. My hand flew to my mouth and I thanked God for my mother's quick reflexes because she grabbed a bucket just in time to catch my Dinner.
It was so painfull and I started crying again. „I'm sorry" I wispered and crawled deeper into my mother's arms who quickly pulled me into a hug. „It's fine , honey. Don't cry. Shh it's fine." the Labor pain came back and I started to feel the head of one of my children. Just in time , Faith arrived to check on me again. „Alringt sweety , your are ready to push now. You will met your kids in a short while." she smiled at me and took a seat next to my mother to check my pulse. „This reminds me of my time when I had you Kenzie!" „Distract me somehow ! Tell me about it !"
„Alright , sit back and relax. And be glad that Jack isn't here. Kind of embarrassing for him."

„It was a wonderful night. Jack made dinner for us and he was really caring for me because it was nearly time for you to be born. We had a walk on the beach and then we went home.
I went into labor at Abigail's house , you were born there. At first , Jack panicked like mad. He literally ran up and down the stairs and nearly ran over Rosemary who tried to help.
When it was time to meet you ,MaKenzie , he stared at you and then at me and passed out . He didn't want to touch you the following days because he was scared to break your bones.
You were so tiny.”

„Okay , great story mom but...but I think they are coming now!" I screamed at the top of my lungs and I felt Leas hand holding mine stronger.
This all went for about ten minutes and then I was able to welcome my two little babys.
A beautiful little girl with blonde hair and blue eyes. „Her name is Lizzy ,Lizzy Belle Campbell. It's your nickname mom!"
„i'm honored , sweetie."
A strong tiny boy with green eyes and black hair. „His name is Shae Winston Campbell." I cried while holding my two little baby's in my arms. Finally.

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