Surprise , Surprise

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PoV Elizabeth

Merrick went out of town to get a friend of his who could help Lea. Carson was trying to hold her fever down but it is still burning and it nearly got to a level were it can be deadly. Lea's friend ,Lasse , was staying at her side and refused to leave
Lee had ... Well nobody knew what he had, but he was recovering at home. Rosemary was spending every second for entire two weeks to take care of her husband.
Makenzie's belly grew and grew. It was unusual big for how far she was.
I thought I knew what's up but I didn't want to speculate so I had to wait till he or she was born.
Also I was still pregnant and Jack still didn't know. Makenzie didn't know either.

I was walking down to the infirmary to check on Lea and to bring Lasse some food. Jack was stepping down the stairs of the office/jail with a smile on his face as soon as he saw me.
„Elizabeth! Are you heading to Lea and Lasse?" I smiled back at him and hugged him „Yes ! Do you want to come with me ?" „Of Course my live. How is our daughter ? I haven't seen her in the past days." Makenzie was staying at Evan's house till the baby would arrive. Then she was moving in with us so we can help her with him or her.
„She is great , she looks like she will have her child soon. I really hope she will be ok." „Of Course she will, honey. Why shouldn't she?" „Giving birth can be a dangerous thing. It is hurtful and exhausting and it had costed the life's of hundreds of women." Jack took my hand and held it tight. „She will be good . I promise you , my love , that I will do everything I can to keep her safe!" he looked deep into my eyes and I once again remembered why I loved this men so deeply.

PoV Lasse

I was sitting by her side for over two days now. I felt horrible for her. I didn't want her to feel bad. She is my best friend. And maybe even more , at least to me. I didn't know if she felt the same way. I didn't have the courage to ask her out or at least tell her about my feelings. I didn't know if her brother and her Uncle would let me take her out. Why was everything so complicated?

PoV Merrick

I was walking through the woods to find her. My aunt Freya. Yes , that's really her name. Weird family I got.
Aunt Freya was what you probably would call a witch. But there is no magic involved. She's just good with different plants for different things.
Okay , I lied. There is magic involved. But she is not dangerous , she just uses the forest she lives in , to protect her. She was my father's sister before he had offended her.
I was walking on a path that would lead me to the black lake were my aunt had her house. As I walked down a little hill , a deep growl followed my lead. As I stopped the growl got louder and I heard fletching teeth.
„What the heck?!" I slowly turned around and my heart stopped. A big , white and brown wolf , with the size of a pony , stood right infront of me and made him self ready to attack.
PoV Elizabeth
I was at home and I wrote a letter to my parents. I was going to tell them about mine and about Kenzie's pregnancy. But before I could've send the letter away , I had to tell Jack. And Tonight was the perfect night.
„Elizabeth my love! I'm home , where are you?" „In the kitchen honey!"
Jack walked in and I presented him with a glas of wine. „how do I deserve this" he smiled at me. „There is something I need to tell you , Jack" I really tried to look scared to fool him a bit. It seemed like it worked because he put his arm around me and sat me down. „What is wrong Elizabeth?" I smiled and laughed at him. I'm really not good at staying in character. „No , seriously! What is it" he laughed at me now. „Well , Jack. I may am..." I put my hand on my belly. „No ! No Elizabeth your not !!!" he had tears in his eyes „You're going to be a daddy again!" now I started tearing up as well. It was magical like the first time I was pregnant!

Time skip: Lea is living with Lizzy and Jack again cuz she got better. MaKenzie is now six months pregnant and her belly is huge. Elizabeth is four months pregnant now and she is about to tell Rosemary , who became her best friend. She still isn't aware of Elizabeth's pregnancy because Lee could keep secrets

PoV MaKenzie
It was in the middle of the night and I was sleeping in mine and Evan's bed. He was still at the saloon with some friends and I went to bed early because I wasn't feeling that well. Probably because the little one inside me decided to dance a round a bit.
It was around 2 am when I felt a sharp pain in my stomach and I was laying in a wet substance.
Oh no ...not now ...pleas ,not now!

PoV Lea

I was laying on the couch as I did the last couple of weeks. I missed my brother. Even though I knew he wouldn't just leave me , I mean missed him. I looked down at the floor where Lasse was sleeping. He could have slept in the guest room upstairs but he prefered to stay with me. If he knew about my feelings. 'Would he unfriend me , or does he feel the same way I do ?' I was thingking about that since he arrived. He was my best friend and I didn't want to lose him. But I kind of wanted more than just beeing friends.
As I was just laying there and staring at him like I've never seen a boy before , I heard a scream from next door . Lasse seemed to hear it too , because he was suddenly wide awake and confused. „What was that ?! " I knew Makenzie was pregnant but she wasn't at nine months yet. I also knew that baby's can come earlier. „It was Kenzie! I think she is getting her baby now ! We need to wake up Jack and Elizabeth!" Lasse quickly stood up „I'm getting them. Are you strong enough to go over to her?" I slowly sat up since I still had a fever but was feeling better a lot. Thanks to Doctor shepherd. I stood up and Lasse , for a moment , was unsure if he should letter me go or not. But he nodded and then run upstairs. I made my way over to Kenzie , to see if I could help somehow.
PoV Elizabeth

I wak woken up by a scared looking Lasse in our bedroom door. „Elizabeth , Jack ! You need to come now ! Kenzie is in labor !" Jack shot up straight. „Where is Evan ?" „I don't know." I was quickly getting into my clothes „Can you get Carson please? And where is Lea ?" „Lea went over to Makenzie. I'll go right now." Jack looked concerned „I'll try to find Evan. Go and help our daughter!" Jack and Lasse ran outside. I walked over to Makenzie. Dear Lord , I hope everything will turn out okay.

PoV MaKenzie

The pain was uncapable already and I was in labor for just two hours. Lea was holding my hand on the one side and my mother on the other Faith and Carson came over to look at me. Before the pain got so bad , my mother moved me over to their house because it was warmer over there.
Dad hasn't found Evan yet. He was so excited to be father and now he'll miss the most magic moment in the life of his child.
„MaKenzie , I have some good news for you !" „What is it faith...ohh
auu." another wave of pain hit me like a truck. „You're about to deliver your children." I was confused for a moment „Did you say 'Children' ?" „Yes , you're getting twins ! Congratulations!"
Tears started to make their way down my cheeks and I smiled.
I was going to be a mother of two .

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