What is Autism ?

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Carson told Elizabeth that Lea agreed to live with her but they had to find her Parents. After Carson went to Elizabeth , he ran down to the sawmill to find Lee because he needed his men for searching party.
„Lee can you take a few of your men and come with me to the Beach ? “ „Sure , but what's that about ?“ Lee asked while both oft them went to the office to get Mike. „I talked a bit with the girl Elizabeth found. Her name is Lea and she is from Scotland. She was on a ship to New York but they got into a hurricane and crashed. We have to look for other survivors.“ Lee nods and opened the door to his office. „Mike , get Jesse , Henry and a few volunteers. We need to find some people!“

While the big search Party started , Lea was still at the infirmary and recovering from her injuries and her broken arm. Faith was there to look after her.
„Miss Carter ? You know Medical stuff right ?“ Lea asked shy „Yes i do , pleas call me faith. Is there anything you want to know ?“
Lea thought about her question for a Moment and then turned to Faith , but her eyes kept looking at the walls not to faith.
„What is Autism?“ Faith seemed to be surprised. „Why do you want to know that ?“ „My mother brought me to a doctor before we took off to New York. She was convinced that there is something wrong with me. In Glasgow the doctor said that i have Autism but i don't know what that is.“ „Well , Autism is a developmental disorder. It does not mean you're mentally retarded but i does effect your social  competence. Which means that you can't talk to strangers without feeling weird , you can't be with many people in one room. It also explains why you don't look at anyone here.“
„Is it a bad thing? “ Lea was a little scared of by this explanation but she tried to hide it. „Not always.“ Faith answered „You seem to be pretty nice .Not everyone can be nice to others.“
The little girl nodded and closed her eyes.

While Jack was with the others at the beach , Elizabeth spent some time with Kenzie. In Abigail's café they were having dinner and then they would go home.
On their way home , Kenzie suddenly stayed still and looked like she's going to pass out

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