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Elizabeth was in shock.
„MaKenzie! You're 19 how could you do that?" Makenzie started to cry. „I'm sorry mom...but ...i wanted it. And i'm going to keep it. At this point i don't really care what you think. Support me or not." Without any words , Elizabeth stood up and just left kenzie crying and Carson totally confused.
„what was that?!" Carson turned around and saw that Lea had woken up, still burning up with a fever. „Go back to sleep , everything is fine." „Okay." and she literally passed out again.

„Lee?!" Jack is sat on the rock where he was left by Lee diving to the ground like 1 minute ago.
He forgot to breath until Lee came back up with a man in his arms. „I don't think he is alive anymore. There is a women down there too but i'm literally dying. It's so freaking cold."
„It's fine i'll go." with this he jumped into to the cold water to get the women

Abigail was taking out a cup and put in some tea. „Why are you not with your daughter ?" „I can't , I just can't look at her right now. I mean we don't even know her 'boyfriend'. I don't know what i should think about that."
„It basically does not matter. She is your daughter. You are her mother. You are supposed to support her in everything. "
„I know but i don't know how. I mean she is 19 ! How would this even work out? What if she can't deal with if , what if I can't deal with it. I'm just scared Abigail.“
Abigail laughed „It's not like she's dying. She's just having a baby. It's a wonderful thing. You should be happy about it Elizabeth.“
„I know but...“ „No , don't worry that much.“ „Fine , you're right.“

While Lee was trying not to die because of the cold , Mike came running down the beach. „Mister Coulter , your wife is looking for you! Should i tell her where she can find you?“ „No , no , n-n-n-o, she is going to kill me.“
„Why are you sitting on this rock?“ now Mike is spotted the corpse „What the heck?! “ „Oh , i nearly forgot! Can you go into town and get a wagon ?“

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