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and as they lay under the stars, she thought, for only a moment, that the two could become more than just friends. she sat up and looked up at her best friend, with auburn hair falling in front of her pale face.

i felt the book slide out of my hands before i could finish the chapter. i looked up to meet the eyes of my father. he had a mischievous grin on his face. i reached forward to grab my book back only to fall off my window seat. 

the window seat was the centre piece of my room, with a light pink cover, scattered pillows and a grey throw blanket. closer to the wall with the door was my bed, a queen size with no head board, that was decorated with a white comforter, a tartan throw blanket and more random scattered throw pillows. i also had a desk that was rarely used. it was white with spiralled legs and engraved flowers, and a spiny chair that had various jackets thrown over and a wall closet that had painted fairies on.

"you read too much, talia." he chuckled, as he sat down on the floor next to me. 

"yeah? well it helps pass the time." i replied, snatching the book back. i found the page i was on a placed the book upside down on my blanket.

"i didn't read half as much as you do when i was your age, and i'm doing just fine."

"are you sure about that? because it seems like you don't understand what i'm saying half the time."

"no, it's just that i don't listen." he laughed again and pushed himself up off the ground. "stiles is downstairs." my dad liked stiles, he just wished i had more girl friends. he pulled me off the ground and pushed me to the door. "go, be social."

stiles was leaning against the part of the stairs that turn out in the hallway. 

"hey." i said, trailing my hands along the bar. he jumped out of his skin when i said that and walked towards the bottom of the stairs. 

"hey, nice outfit." he commented, eyeing me up and down. i picked at the loose thread on my grey sweater covering my light blue mom jeans. i had no shoes on but a pair of pink socks.

"well i wasn't expecting to see anyone until tomorrow." i replied, frowning.

"what? you wanted to be a hobit in your room for the rest of winter break. you're weird." he murmured. i glared at him and sat on the stairs. "come on. i heard on my dad's radio that they've found half a body. let's go find the other half."

"are you- you must be. why are you so messed up?" i asked, squinting my eyes and him and then covering my eyes. 

"let's go." he dragged out the 'o' and pulled me up by my arms. i knew that i wouldn't win this fight so i just slipped on my tattered converse and grabbed my over the shoulder bag. we walked to his blue jeep. i sat in the back from habit; stiles drove, scott sat in the passenger seat and i sat in the middle.

as we pulled up to scott's place, i told stiles that i would wait in the car. i picked at the black nail polish on my nails and hummed along to a random song that i had heard playing on the radio earlier. whilst they were still inside, i noticed a wooden baseball bat on the back seat. then the door slammed shut so i looked up.

"hey, stiles..."

i saw scott sitting in the passenger seat, just as confused as i was. stiles whipped his head around to acknowledge me, with his mouth slightly open, and his eyes drooping.

"what?" he asked, whilst sighing and raising his eyebrows simultaneously.

"since when did you start playing baseball?" 

at the beacon hills preserve

"dad, how are you doing?" stiles asked, whilst standing in front of the sheriff, who was also the boys father. i stood slightly behind my friend, not wanting to meet the eyes of the officer.

"nice to see you, talia. stop hiding behind my son." stilinski had both eyebrows raised when our eyes met, as i slowly shifted from behind stiles, to next to him. "so, do you, uh, listen in to all of my phone calls?"

he directed his question to stiles, with disappointment plastered across his face.

"no!" i looked up at stiles and waited for what he was going to say next. "not the boring ones."

this immediately caused me to cringe, and i looked away again. whilst the sheriff asked about scott, who was usually joining us in times of mischief, i was scanning the forest around me, trying to spot the boy. stiles noticed this and then flung his arm over my shoulder. i snapped my head back, so i was facing the conversation.

"who, scott?" i asked, remembering that stiles was a terrible liar. as the sheriff turned to face me, stiles eyes widened. i was also a terrible liar. "scott's home! said he, uh, wanted to get a good nights sleep for the first day back at school tomorrow."

"yeah, it's just us two. in the woods. together." as stiles continued, he realised how sketchy that sounded. i simply forced a smile, and looked at stilinski. he then shone a torch into the trees behind us and called out for scott. thankfully, but also sort of terrifyingly, scott was no where to be seen.

"well, kids, i'm gonna walk you back to the car." the sheriff started, before gripping the neck of stiles' jacket, and beginning to walk. i followed, with my head hanging low. "and you and i are going to have a little conversation about something called invasion of privacy."

stiles did his usual, gasping dramatically, and i softly chuckled at his fake winces of pain. when we got to the jeep, i got in the passenger side, and watched as he was scolded by his dad. stiles continued to try and reason with his dad, but this just resulted in stilinski getting more and more angry. then, he nodded at me, and walked over to his squad of police officers. stiles threw his head back, and sighed exasperatedly. i laughed, again, and watched as he got in the car.

"what are you doing?" i asked, grabbing his wrist as he turned the key in the ignition.

"starting the car. i know you don't have a car, but this is how you-" i rolled my eyes at his sarcastic response, and watched as he removed my hand, and dropped it onto my lap.

"i can drive, dumbass. i'm talking about scott, are we just gonna leave him here?" stiles sighed, and then turned to face me.

"scott's a big boy, he can walk home." i rolled my eyes, and then put my feet onto the dash board. stiles immediately pushed them off, and then looked at my like i was crazy.

"watch the jeep!"

𝗺𝘆 𝗽𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗼𝗻 ~ 𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗹𝗲𝘀 𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗹𝗶𝗻𝘀𝗸𝗶Where stories live. Discover now