t w e n t y - f i v e

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i quietly followed behind stiles as he entered the mccall house. it was the night of the full moon, and so we had to lock scott up in his room. on a full moon, he was uncontrollable. remember last time?

"scott?" i heard melissa call, as i shut the door and handed stiles his key. 

"stiles." he responded. i was going to announce myself too, but i honestly didn't have the energy. 

"key." she stated, noticed the key in his hand. her eyebrows were raised and her eyes were widened. 

"yeah. i had one made, so..."

"that doesn't surprise me. it scares me, but it doesn't surprise me." stiles threw his bag on the floor, which caused melissa to be even more concerned. "what is that?"

"school project." i responded, not wanting stiles to put his foot in his mouth. he always managed to get us in trouble, and i couldn't be bothered with his shenanigans. melissa disregarded my response and instead chose the time to check up on her son. i mean, if i was in the dark as to why scott was acting so different, i'd want to be clued in too. 

"guys, he's okay, right?"

"who? scott? yeah. totally." stiles replied, glancing back at me for a moment. i held his gaze and could feel that we both felt bad for lying to his mother. 

"he just doesn't talk to me that much anymore, not like he used to." i felt my expression drop as i felt pity for the woman. she looked so hurt. 

after watching melissa drive off, we clambered up the stairs only to find scott sat in the chair in the corner of his room. it was a fright, to say the least. i stood in the doorway, and watched my two friends speak. scott was acting all kinds of crazy. he was incredibly calm, which was very unusual. every time we have ever spoke about his werewolfness, he would get stressed and anxious, and take it out on stiles. 

"what the hell are you doing?" scott exclaimed, after stiles chained him to the radiator, with what can only be guessed to be his father's handcuffs. 

"protecting you from yourself. and giving you some payback." i became confused, what did scott do? "for making out with lydia." 

my jaw dropped and my eyes widened in shock at the utter betrayal from our third. stiles had been gawking over the redhead since the third grade. i knew this, scott knew this, heck, half of the school knew about stiles being in love with the queen bee. 

scott continued to taunt stiles, but he ignored him and waited outside of the room. i sat awkwardly on scott's bed, waiting for whatever he had planned next. i could see him restraining from the hold of the handcuffs, and i could see the impact it was having on his skin. he was pleading, practically begging to be released, but stiles stayed strong. i didn't have the keys for that very reason, i was weak. he continued to try and convince us to release him, and it was making me emotional. scott was finally opening up about allison, but i knew it was a manipulation tactic. he became more and more aggressive, and i had to run out of the room to avoid becoming emotional. there was screams of agony filling my ears. 

i slid down the wall next to stiles and covered my ears. the cries were non stop, and it was heart wrenching to listen too, but i knew that we were going to be able to stick it out. then, after a wolf growl and the sounds of metal breaking, scott was gone. i ran in behind stiles, and then felt myself become fearful at what my best friend was going to do next. 

anxiously, i tapped my foot as i sat beside stiles. we were racing the streets of beacon hills, desperately trying to find our friend. by now, he could've killed someone, or more. we were abruptly stopped by the assortment of authorities gathered around one of the openings to the woods. i watched as a white body bag glided across the road towards an ambulance. stiles left the car, and embraced with his father, but i was too scared to leave my seat. i was almost convinced that scott was the cause of all this commotion, and was scared that he was still out there. i loved him, and i would do anything for him, but i didn't want to mauled by him. 

at the height of a car chase

"scott, i don't think you're grasping the concept of a car chase here." i exclaimed, gripping onto the seats in front of me. i was ecstatic to find out that derek was alive, and i didn't want to lose that happiness by being killed by an argent. 

"if i go faster, i'll kill us."

"well, if you don't go faster, they're gonna kill us!" stiles chimed in. i was constantly checking behind me, just hoping that the driver of the car was going to give up and drive off. and that seemed to be the case. "they're gone."

however, we soon found out why. across the police radio in stiles' hand, we heard that derek was officially on foot and heading into the iron works. obviously, the argents knew this too, and so they were no longer on our trail. so, we raced over to the iron works, and collected him in the nick of time. i felt a huge smile creep onto my face when he got into the car. he was visibly angry, so i held off on hugging him. 

they were begging him to trust them, but after making him the most wanted fugitive in the state, he obviously refused. then, he turned his head the best he could to face me. 

"i'll trust you, and that's it." he explained that he got intel off his sister, and then showed us a sketched symbol on a crumbled up piece of paper. i scanned over the page and tried to remember if i had seen the symbol before. i hadn't. then, as all of us looked to scott's slightly pissed off face, he revealed that it was seen on a necklace. a necklace that allison owned. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2021 ⏰

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