e l e v e n

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after finishing with my checkup, i exited the hospital room, and waited at the front desk to pay. thankfully, my parents had signed off saying that i could do hospital checkups on my own. it was basically the only freedom they had awarded me; seeing as i didn't have a car, a license or a debit card yet. i payed the medical fee and began to make my way towards the front door. my mother was supposed to pick me up. then, a smile crept up onto my face as i saw my friend talking to his mother. scott's mom worked at the hospital, and although i wasn't eavesdropping, i could see that he was here, dropping off her dinner. i decided to try and scare him, so whilst he was talking with his mother, i crept behind him. 

"talia, you're not gonna scare me." he stated, without even looking at me. i stood up straight and looked at him with confusion, before remembering that his senses were now ever so heightened. 

"you're no fun." i replied, before gesturing to the door. we started to walk to the door, but scott suddenly stopped in his tracks. i wasn't sure what it was that had spooked him, but i sure wasn't willing to wait around and find out. "scott? let's go."

however, he ignored me, and started walking towards the private rooms of the hospital. i tried to ask what was going on, but he hushed me, and told me to follow him. i rolled my eyes, but followed him anyways. still not saying a word, he led me to a hospital with only one person in. the man had tubes going in and out of him, and he was all hooked up to monitors. i was struggling to make out who the man was, but soon was able to recognise him as the man scott had convinced himself that he had attacked. i stood slightly behind my friend, and found myself gripping his arm. the silence in the room was absolutely deafening. as he began to speak, i felt even more spooked. there was literal goosebumps on my arms, and i was actually shivering. slowly, the man turned his head and looked at scott. this made me grip his arm even tighter. i was terrified. 

then, without a second to breathe, mr meyers began screaming, groaning, and even grabbing scotts arm. i jumped, in fear, and let go of scotts arm. the arm that i had previously been holding onto was the one the man had began pulling, so i automatically started pulling back. 

something had alerted the nurses, possibly the alarming heartbeat, and they came rushing in. mellissa mccall began yelling at us. we were in a lot of trouble. 

"what the hell are you doing in here?" she exclaimed, pushing scott in the direction of the door. he grabbed my hand, and pulled me out of the room. 

we stood, facing each other, outside of the hospital. after exiting mr meyers room, we had ran outside. i was in shock at what had just happened. my breathing became heavy, and i started fidgeting with my hands. whenever i was scared, i found myself scratching at my left wrist. it was something i had always done, the doctors said it was my body reacting to shock, and attempting to break my out of a fear induced trance. whatever the cause was, i didn't care. i couldn't stop myself, it hurt and it would leave marks for weeks. it's ridiculous, and i get that, but i guess when it comes to flight or fight, my body fights, and it fights itself. 

scott watched for a split second, before snatching my two wrists away from each other. they were still fighting to inflict pain on each other, but he continued to hold them away from each other. eventually i pulled out of my trance, and i looked up from my hands to meet scotts eyes. they were filled with concern. before the tears swelling in my eyes could fall, he wrapped his arms around my shoulders. i slowly placed mine around his waist. a hug from my best friend was exactly what i needed. 

our embrace was only separated when my mother pulled up in front of us. i didn't notice her at first, but she honked repeatedly, and this made my jump. as i got into the car, my mom spoke to scott. their conversation was short-lived. we both said goodbye to my friend, and then my mom drove off. on the drive home, my mother asked me how my checkup went, and also asked why my arms were red raw. seeing as all i was wearing was was a tank top and some jeans, my scratch marks were very visible. i explained that i just had itchy arms, but i could understand where she was coming from. thankfully, she didn't pester more. this was probably because she knew that if i didn't want to talk about, there was probably a reason. 

𝗺𝘆 𝗽𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗼𝗻 ~ 𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗹𝗲𝘀 𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗹𝗶𝗻𝘀𝗸𝗶Where stories live. Discover now