t w e l v e

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i immediately started feeling guilty as the jeep pulled up outside the school bus lot. for once, i was sat in the passenger seat. after both boys left the car, scott spoke to me through the open window.

"you coming?" he asked, with one eyebrow slightly raised. i looked at him like he was crazy; mainly because he was. 

"dude, did you forget about her moral complex?" stiles asked, looking around the area. i pointed to stiles to insinuate that he knew what was up. scott told me to just stay there, and they both left. it's not like i had anywhere to be. 

whilst watching the boys stand in front of the fence, i could hear their petty argument. stiles was annoyed that he was always the robin in their scenario. try always being alfred. scott made stiles stay by the metal fence. this was because, a, stiles was a massive clutz who would make far too much noise and get them caught, and b, to be a lookout because i get distracted way to easily. stiles was dancing, stupidly, and being a great source of entertainment. my enjoyment was soon interrupted by a car light shining into the bus lot. i couldn't tell whether it was headlights, or a person with a flashlight, but i knew scott had to get out of there quickly. 

i started flailing my arms frantically so stiles would notice. finally, he did, and ran back into the car. he started the car, but simply flashed the headlights a couple of times. i gave him the same look that i had given scott just a few minutes prior, before beating the crap out of the horn. to do this, i had leant over stiles, who i could feel cringing at the abuse towards his jeep. after waiting anxiously, scott entered the car and shouted go multiple times. stiles backed the jeep out and started driving the route to scotts house. with all of us still worked up, i turned to ask scott about what had just happened.

"did it work? did you remember?" i asked, eagerly waiting to hear if our friend remember mauling someone half to death. 

"yeah, i was there last night. and the blood, a lot of it was mine." this caused stiles to turn back to see our friend talk, but i pulled his chin so he'd be facing the road. he apologised. 

"so you did attack him?" stiles continued. 

"no!" scott defended, so who? "i saw glowing eyes on the bus, but they weren't mine. it was derek."

"derek." i spoke at the same time as my friend. "okay, what about the driver?"

"i think i was actually trying to protect him."

"wait, why would derek help you remember that he attacked the driver?" stiles asked, which was something i wanted to know too. we were all equally confused. 

"that's what i don't get." scott said, shaking his head.

"it's gotta be a pack thing." i replied, trying to make sense of all this. 

"what do you mean?" scott asked, looking between me and stiles.

"like an initiation." stiles said, nodding slowly as he began to pick up what i was putting down.

"you do the kill together." we all looked at each other with the same expression. i was so unbelievably scared of what was to come.

at the stilinski house

stiles had dropped scott off, and then drove us to his house. my parents were out of town and after everything that had been happening recently, i didn't feel comfortable staying in my house on my own. mr stilinski worked really late, so hopefully by the time he was back, it would be too late to send me home. i followed my friend to his bedroom and waited for him to find some clothes that i could sleep in. he handed me a dark grey sweater and some tartan printed pyjama pants. instead of leaving the room, i just turned away and got changed. i could feel stiles staring at me, but i didn't say anything. everything fit me quite loose, but that was okay. 

i thought we were going to go straight to sleep, but was proven wrong when i saw stiles sit at his desk and open his computer. there was multiple tabs open, all relating to lycanthropy. after looking over his shoulder, stiles saw how confused i was. 

"it's not like scott's gonna research for himself, and i don't want him getting himself killed." he explained. i nodded in understanding. 

"so this is what you do everyday?" i asked, walking closer to him. to continue our conversation, he spun around his desk chair.

"yup, everyday after school. i don't mind though! honestly, if it helps our friend survive, then so what?" he replied. i smiled, and went to sit on his lap. stiles stopped me, however, by gripping my waist. "maybe it's best if you don't... do that."

i shot up and mumbled 'right', remembering what happened the last time i chose to seat myself on stiles' lap. instead, sitting against the foot of his bed. i watched as he typed, printed and read for a few minutes. i had my knees were hugged to my chest and i tilted my head as i fell tired. stiles turned back to acknowledge me, and then faced his computer again. he slammed his laptop shut, which caused me to snap back up. my eyes followed him as he sat next to me, getting comfortable in the same position. i smiled at him again. then, my body stiffened as his head fell on my shoulder. 

"you tired?" i whispered, patting his face lightly.


"come on, then." i stood up which cause him to dramatically fall off. i giggled at him and began attempting to drag him off the ground and into the bed. i struggled, but eventually was able to make him stand up. without a moment to say anything, stiles tackled me onto the bed. my eyes widened again as i watched him laugh. before everything happened, this kind of thing would've made us laugh and then would turn into a fight. but, after the way i had been feeling towards my friend recently, this caused my heartbeat to raise and my breathing to become slow. stiles' head was at the bottom of my torso, because he hand bent down to tackle me, so i sat up against his head board and pulled him up between my legs. "can we go to sleep now?"

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