e i g h t

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i left my friend at the benches when the rest of the team ran out, and joined his mother at the bleachers. i sat next to my mother, who was next to my father. stilinski was on my right, and mellissa was on his right. we were all focused on scott, as stiles was obviously benched. when the game began, my stomach began to turn, as i had a gut feeling that something was going to go wrong. everyone around me was left feeling the same way when scott was absolutely floored. 

after jackson scored a goal, i noticed scott staring into the bleachers. i leaned over the bleacher to see lydia and allison holding a sign dedicated to the red-heads boyfriend. i noticed scott was getting increasingly angry, but there was nothing i could do to help. i was becoming more and more anxious for what was about to happen. was scott actually going to kill someone on the field? jackson was doing his best to absolutely humiliate my friend, and it was definitely working. half of the other school were laughing at him, and i could see it was really getting to him. i was terrified of what he was going to do.

after watching in fear, for the first time the entire game, scott used his abilities to score. all of our bleachers were cheering his name, and i could see that this was calming down. my anxiety was decreasing by the second, and i began to actually enjoy his name. the stands were cheering for him, and at one point, the opposing team even passed the ball to him. this was hilarious, but we were obviously extremely confused as to how it happened. our team obviously won, thanks to scott and his supernatural abilities. 

then, in the blink of an eye, scott was running off the field, and his schoolboy crush was chasing after him. i couldn't follow them, as i lost sight of the pair in all the commotion. everyone rushed onto the field to celebrate our first win. when i joined stiles, we embraced, to celebrate winning the game. when we pulled out of our hug, stiles noticed his father looking stressed out. he was on the phone to whoever, and whatever he was hearing was clearly not good. with stilinski being the sheriff, any sign of concern would worry stiles, and when stiles worried, so did i.

we looked at each other, fearing the worst, but also acknowledging that there's no way scott could've killed someone in the time he disappeared. with allison being only a few steps behind him, he wouldn't have acted crazy. after the sheriff ended the phone call, he turned to us with disappointment on his face. our worst fears were beginning to become reality. 

"well, that was the medical examiner. you know that body you found, there's no way the killer could be derek." he explained. stiles and i, knowing what we knew, became frustrated with this, and both expressed it by shooting off the bench. "the, uh, the bite was an animal bite, not human. so derek has been, uh, let free."

this information terrified me. i knew derek was the real killer, but there was no way of explaining that to the cops. and with derek a free man, what's stopping him going after the three kids that got him jailed in the first place? stiles and i had the same look; we had to tell scott. allison and scott had ran in the direction of the locker rooms, so that was where we headed. i felt my pulse rising as stiles dragged me to the locker room. he had his hand clasped around my wrist, and took the lead. when we got to the door of the locker room, there was complete silence around us. stiles entered the room first, letting go of my wrist. he had walked to the lockers opposite the showers, so i followed him. i waited for him to signal the all clear, but he didn't. 

quickly, stiles turned around and bumped into me. i fell softly against the locker, and stiles placed both hands next to my head. i was unsure what stiles had been spooked by, but i was unable to ask because stiles covered my mouth and slipped his arm around my waist. with an arm around my back, and one hand on my mouth, stiles guided me to look behind him. i saw our friend kissing his crush. my eyes widened, and when i met stiles' gaze, i noticed our expression was the same. he slowly removed his hand from my mouth, but left his hand around my waist as we both looked away from the couple. i looked at the locker beside me, but stiles chose to stand in front of me, with his body pressed up against mine. he then chose to place both hands on my waist and pushed me against the lockers. this was the first time i felt any sort of romantic tension with my best friend. i had butterflies in my stomach, and my skin tingled.

what caused us to pull away from each other, was allison acknowledging us as she left. stiles greeted her, but i refused to meet her eyes. stiles pulled his hands away, but pulled me out by clasping my hand. i was confused as to why he was being so touchy, but i wasn't complaining.

"i kissed her." scott said. at this point, i was slightly behind stiles, our hands still gripped. i smiled in joy for my friend. he couldn't stop smiling, and his grin reached from ear to ear. 

"i saw." stiles stated. scott was now giggling like a little girl. 

"she kissed me." he was really over the moon. i got that he really liked her, but i didn't understand why he was so incredibly excited. maybe because it was his first proper kiss, but i guess i couldn't relate, because i hadn't experienced the same feeling. 

"i saw that too." stiles was clearly happy for our friend too. but, we both wanted him to stop talking about his kiss, so we could tell him the bad news. "it's pretty good, huh?"

scott informed us that he was able to control his urge to change. he was able to pull back. i felt proud, and as a reaction, i squeezed stiles hand. allison was clearly his anchor; she was what would bring him back. she kept him in control. maybe she was more of just a schoolgirl crush. 

"maybe i can do this, maybe it's not that bad."

because of this, stiles decided to hold off on telling the boy what we had just found out, that derek was out of jail. he turned to leave, and let go of my hand to pat scott's chest. we were stopped, however, when scott gripped each of our shoulders and asked us to tell him what was up. the look on scott's face when stiles told him was just pure confusion. he was in the same boat as me, knowing that derek was both animal and human. how could we explain that to police? stiles continued, though, telling scott something i was unaware of. that the two halves of the body belonged to a 'laura hale'.

"wait, hale?" i asked, looking back and forth between the boys with furrowed eyebrows. simultaneously, they answered me.

"derek's sister."

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