t w e n t y - o n e

11 4 0

something came flying through one of the windows, and we all dropped to the ground. i buried my head into my arms. sadly, i didn't have a jacket on, just a tank top and some jeans. when scott managed to get me to look, i saw a car battery on the floor in front of us, surrounded by broken glass. not just any car battery, but the jeep's. scott stopped stiles from running to get it, and we agreed that the creature was right outside, so it was probably not the smartest idea to announce exactly where we were. as scott slowly reached up to look, and stiles squatted so he'd be ready to run, i clung onto him. stiles dropped to his knees and held me; he could see how scared i was. 

"anything?" he asked, as held me tighter. 

"no." scott responded.

"move now?" stiles contined.

"move now." scott repeated, but not as a question, as an instruction. we began to carefully walk away, stiles not letting go of my hand and me keeping closely behind him. we made our way to the locker room. they discussed whether or not to call the cops, and what the plan would be if we were to make a run for it. scott suggested we take derek's car.

"that could work. we go outside, we get the keys of his body, and then we take his car." stiles said, cringing at the thought of touching a dead body. i let go of his hand and stepped forward. 

"and him." i responded, not wanting to leave derek behind. especially if there was chance he was alive. 

"fine. whatever." stiles was reluctant, but he agreed. then, as we went to leave the locker room, scott stopped us and informed us that he had heard something. 

we all stepped away from the door. scott told us to hide. stiles and scott chose to hide in lockers, but i knew that would never work because i was extremely claustrophobic. as i frantically looked around for somewhere to go, i felt my body being pulled. my mouth was covered before i could scream, and the only source of light was quickly cut off. i realised that stiles had dragged me into the locker he was hiding in. i began to panic, knowing i would not be able to breathe. thankfully, it was big enough for us to both hide, but movement was restricted, and our bodies were pressed up against each other. one of stiles' hands were covering my mouth, and the other was holding the door shut. so, when someone entered the locker room, i covered his mouth so his breathing wouldn't be heard. 

it felt like an hour being trapped in that locker, but in reality, it was less than a minute. our hiding was interrupted by the janitor finding scott, and screaming out in fear. we tried to reason with him to be quiet, but he kicked us out before listening. then, as the door slammed shut, the janitor was mauled to death against the frosted glass of the door. i gasped, but quickly covered my mouth as stiles pulled me into his body. this was to comfort me and so i wouldn't see more than i already had. a man had just been killed, and i had seen every gory detail of it. 

at the school cafeteria

i paced around the room, desperately trying to prevent myself from hurting, well, myself. i was overrun with fear, and it was taking everything i had to not only stay conscious, but also not scratch myself half to death. as stiles attempted to explain what was happening, without telling the truth at all, i watched as scott tried to place the blame on derek. he blamed everything on derek, the bus driver, the guy who was murdered in the video store, the night jackson was attacked, the janitor. scott even went as far as to say it was derek who was going to kill us too.

i knew he was only doing it so he wouldn't have to expose the scary truth the lydia, jackson and allison, but it infuriated me that he said it was derek. the same guy who was lying lifeless outside? who took the first hit so we had a chance to run? if by some miracle derek was alive, he would get put in jail for the rest of his life, all because scott wanted to shut his girlfriend up.

i scoffed, walked away from the group, and sat below the windows. by now, there was nothing i could do to stop myself. i started digging my nails into my wrists, and scratching away. i know it's stupid, i do! but i physically can't stop myself. whilst the people around me were fighting, and punching each other, i was at the point of drawing blood. i was in a complete trance.

when i snapped out of it, i was in a whole new room. jackson put me down, and i realised we had just ran from the alpha again. everyone was staring at me. scott and stiles were the only ones who knew what i was doing.

"what the hell?" lydia hissed. "you were too busy itching to run away from that killer! if jackson didn't carry you up here the you'd be dead!"

"lydia stop." allison whispered, seeing i was becoming more upset.

"no, she's right. i'm sorry. i'm really sorry guys."i apologised, not meeting the gaze of anyone. "thank you, jackson. thank you for saving me."

he brushed it off as not an issue, thankfully he didn't mind being the hero. we all fell silent, again, as the monster passed the door. when it left again, they began discussing an escape route. i slid against the back of the door and looked at the damage i had done. layers of skin had been torn through and there was blood falling out of multiple different parts. my nails had become blunt and my fingertips were sore. worst of all was the pain. my wrist was throbbing and i couldn't move it. how was i going to explain this to my parents? before i knew what was happening, i was being dragged away from the door by stiles. scott had just left to get the keys off the janitor. stiles forgot what i had done, so became apologetic when i winced in pain.

"it's okay, i do it to myself." i whispered back. lydia stepped forward and pulled my wrist and hand forward.

"oh, well i've read about it but i never thought i'd see it in person." she spoke softly, while examining my hands and wrists.

"what are you talking about, lydia?" jackson asked, annoyance in his voice. he stepped forward and looked too. i didn't like how all eyes were on me, it made me incredibly uncomfortable. "oh, attention seeking self harmers."

i scoffed at what he said and pulled my arms down. stiles pulled me back and took a proper look.

"no, babe. there's a small percentage of people in the world who inflict pain on themselves when they're scared. it's how the bodies reaction to fear, assuming that it's a dream and causing pain as an attempt to wake itself up." she explained. i was in awe, she was the first person ever to actually understand. lydia was kind about it, and used the bandage roll in the first aid kit to help me out. i thanked her, and then waited on scotts return. 

at the school parking lot

the last thing i remember was a loud growl echoing throughout the school. at this point, i was unsure as to whether it was scott or that beast, of maybe even derek. whatever it was, it caused jackson to go through extreme pain. i was terrified, and it caused me to faint, again. not good. when i regained consciousness, i was sat on the back of an ambulance getting checked out. whilst the rest of crew was being interviewed, i was being examined for the fainting. i knew i was okay, but i also knew that i had no choice. then, scott made his way over to me. next to me was his boss, who were convinced was the alpha. the pair didn't even acknowledge me.

"there you are!" deaton was genuinely pleased to see his employee.

"how... how did you..." scott was struggling to find words, as he was thinking the same thing i was, deaton's the alpha.

"get out?" he helped finish the sentence, before explaining, "not easily, and from what they tell me, i'm alive because of you. i think i owe you a raise."

there was a small moment of silence after deaton chuckled, where scott, stiles and i were all thinking the same thing, 'how the hell is getting away with this?' before sheriff stilinski took his son and bestfriend away from the ambulance. stiles looked at me sympathetically, and then got into his dad's cop car. i watched as scott chased allison, and although i couldn't hear what they were saying, i could make out what was happening. allison was angry that scott had left us in the classroom, forgetting that he did it to help us. this frustrated me. scott risked his life to save us, and she was making it about her!

"young love, eh?" i heard. i slowly looked to the side to see deaton pulling a face.

"huh, oh yeah." i replied, sighing. "she's being overdramatic."

"they always are. but don't worry, it's just a high school romance. don't take it too seriously, they never last." he stated, chuckling again. i responded with a soft laugh; he was right. 

𝗺𝘆 𝗽𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗼𝗻 ~ 𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗹𝗲𝘀 𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗹𝗶𝗻𝘀𝗸𝗶Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora