s e v e n t e e n

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187 @ video store. Jackson + Lydia R here !

IDK police code Stiles

Murder !!!!1!

Oh shit

Jackson's being an ass to my dad :/

Jackson being an ass is the usual 

Should I come ?

No point, dad's getting some1 to take me home now.

OK, see you tomo

i shut my phone off and placed it on the cushioned seat next to me. my hands flew to my face as i leant against the window behind me. i couldn't handle another death in beacon hills. i mean, ever since scott was bitten, life has been absolutely and unbelievably crazy. i can't help but think about what life would be like if we didn't enter the woods that night; is stiles' curiosity didn't get the better of him. surely all of this wouldn't be happening. or... if it was, we wouldn't be focusing all of our energy on figuring it out. instead, it would be the topic of discussion at the lunch table. i rubbed my forehead and then pushed myself off the window seat, and walked into my bathroom. 

i gripped the sink and stared myself down in the mirror. my eyes were physically drooping and were slightly red. my hair was like a rat's nest and tied into the messiest of buns there was, and i was dressed like i'd gotten dressed in the dark. i had my mothers creme cardigan practically falling off my shoulder, and a white, slightly paint splattered crop top, with rainbow coloured, tie dyed sweatpants on. the worst part about the outfit i was wearing was that i had actually left the house in it. i was also planning to sleep in these clothes. i was slightly falling apart; but i was okay with that. 

i finished with my business in the bathroom, and re-entered my new bedroom. the guys and i were bored, and took some paint markers to the wall. there was a small patch on my wall with a whole bunch of doodles on it, and it honestly brought me joy. it was moments like that, moments where we could completely forget about what was happening around us, that made me still feel somewhat normal. like, one of my best-friends wasn't a werewolf, and like my father wasn't cheating on my mother. instead of moping around, i grabbed my phone and texted stiles again. 

R U home yet?


I live closer to the Video Store than I thought


I'm coming over

That's like a 20 min walk

I'm not walking

i also wasn't planning to tell my father. i slipped on my bunny slippers and opened my bedroom window. i had snuck out a few more times, so i was sort of a pro by now. i tiptoed down the roof, careful to avoid the broken tiles from the other night, and reached the pipe, which i used to assist my jump down. when i got to the ground, i crept to the side door where our bikes were. i walked it to the top of the driveway, and began peddling to the stilinski house. it took about ten minutes, and when i got there, stiles was stood in his doorway laughing at me. 

"you... cycled?" he said, whilst stifling his uncontrollable laughter. i rolled my eyes and threw the bike onto his front lawn. i joined him in the doorway and crossed my arms. "what's up, my little friend?"

"i just wanted to come over- is that alright with you?" i asked, looking up at him. he wasn't wrong, i am his little friend. instead of responding, he gestured for me to enter the house. i walked in and plopped down on the couch. stiles joined me, and then turned on the tv. i pulled my knees onto the couch, and got slightly closer to stiles. he grabbed a throw blanket from the other couch and rested it over us. i felt myself becoming more and more tired, but refused to allow myself to fall asleep. i knew that if i wasn't in my bed by morning, my dad would flip. i didn't really care about him, as i knew that i could get away with anything at this point. but... with everything going on, he would assume the worst, and call the police. again. 

instead, i pulled my mother's cardigan off, which caused for stiles to grab his nose and pull a face. 

"you smell!" he exclaimed. i scoffed in response, and folded my arms. "hey, i'm just kidding. you always smell lovely."

"i do?" 

"yup." i giggled softly, and pulled the blanket up to my chin. i wasn't sure what was on the tv, but stiles was clearly invested in whatever it was. i looked up at him with confusion, in an attempt to prompt him to tell me what was happening. "my dad and i watch this together, it's some corny cop show. but... it's been a while since he's been home in time to watch with me. i promised that i'd keep watching so that i can catch him up."

"i'm sure he's always working late with everything happening. i mean, after that night in the woods nothing has been right. scott's a werewolf! it's-" stiles cut me off by placing his hand on mine. 

"can we... not talk about scott tonight? it just feels like our whole life has been about him recently." i gripped his hand and smiled, whilst nodding my head. he was absolutely right. "come here."

stiles was gesturing towards his lap, so i scooted a bit closer, and rested my head on his lap. i could feel myself falling asleep again, and after weighing out the pros and cons, i just gave up and decided that it would be worth it if i fell asleep. stiles would probably wake me up in a bit anyways. i readjusted myself to make sure that i was comfortable, and then drifted off in his lap. i felt at peace with everything in that moment, which had been very rare recently. all of my worries floated away, and i forgot about everything for a bit. 

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