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"as you all know, there was indeed a body, found in the woods last night." was the first thing i heard as i entered my first class of the day. i noticed my best friends smirking at each other. stiles winked at me, as i sat down in front of him, which caused me to softly giggle. "i'm sorry, miss newman, do you think this is a laughing matter."

hearing my name caused me to look up from getting my books out my bag. my mouth hung open as i tried to find words, but i just gulped.

"no, uh, d-def- no, sir." i stuttered, feeling my cheeks flush.

"well then, is there something funny that you would like to share with class?" the teacher continued to interrogate me.

"still no." i quickly replied, feeling eyes on me. when he finally turned back to the board, he continued to talk about the body. i had zoned him out, though, when i hid my face in my crossed arms on the desk in front of me. stiles repeatedly tapped my back, but i ignored him. what caused me to look up, was the principle entering the class with a new student.

a tall, skinny, brunette girl named allison. she awkwardly smiled, before sitting at the desk behind scott. he turned around instantly, and offered her a pen. i thought this was incredibly strange. she thanked him, and when he turned back around, and our eyes met, he simply shrugged his shoulders. 

after class had finished, i met my two friends at the lockers outside. they were waiting for me as i was disciplined by our teacher for not paying attention in class. i noticed that they were staring at the new girl, which led me to look too. she was conversing with lydia martin, which caused me to scoff.

"can someone tell me how new girl is here all of five minutes, and she's already hanging out with lydia's cluque?" neither of them looked at me to acknowledge my presence, but stiles managed to look away for a split second. 

"because she's hot." i looked at him with confusion, so he continued with his response. "beautiful people herd together."

whilst stiles and i continued our debate about beauty meaning worth, scott stared at her longingly. i wondered what he was thinking about, but was interrupted by stiles waving a hand in his face. he reminded scott that they had to get ready for lacrosse practise, so i followed the pair, until parting with them at the locker rooms.

at lacrosse practise

my reading was interrupted by lydia and the new girl conversing loudly in behind me. i was unable to focus, but it was fine because scott and stiles had entered the field, so i would have something to watch. at this point, i wasn't even sure why they were on the team; they were always benched.

scott was placed in goal, and stiles was obviously sat on the bench. i could hear allison asking about scott, and when focusing on him, it looked like he could hear too. lydia was unable to name him, so i sighed and turned to face the pair.

"he's called scott." allison opened her mouth as if she was to say something, but was cut off by lydia.

"who are you, and why are you listening to our conversation?" she asked, tapping her foot. i just laughed.

"talia? talia newman? we've been in class together since third grade? we've all been to school together our whole life? me, you, scott, danny, jackson, stilins-"

"just, stop talking." she sighed and looked away from me. allison pitifully smiled at me, but i just rolled my eyes and faced forward, focusing on the game.

i cringed at scott being knocked over by a lacrosse ball, but was shocked when he caught every shot after that. every. single. shot. even the one thrown by jackson whittemore. i stood up, and cheered, whilst clapping. good for him. by the end of the practise, scott had caught every single ball, and scored every single shot he went for. i was barely off my feet. stiles was equally shocked, and the new girl was evidently impressed.

when i left the bleachers, i overheard jackson's conversation with some of the teammates. he was pissed.

"i don't care how small the kid is, he's on something. i mean there's no way he goes from being the second worse player on the team to-"

"to better than you." jackson was cut off by danny. jackson rolled his eyes and sighed.

"mccall's not better then me, i'm the captain for a reason."

not for long

at the beacon hills preserve

i clumsily followed behind the boys, through the woods and to a stream. i wasn't focused on our conversation, more on not stumbling onto the forest floor. stiles instinctively helped me out of the muddy water.

"and that's not the only weird thing." scott continued. that was after explaining that it was like the balls were moving in slow motion. "i can hear stuff i shouldn't be able to hear."

i cocked my head and stopped in my tracks, before jogging to catch up to the pair.

"smell things!"

"smell things? like what." stiles asked. by now, i was next to him as we walked.

"like, like the mint mojito gum in your pocket." he answered, stopping and pointing to the camo coloured jacket ontop of my black and white striped tank top. i had paired that with black leggings, brown, leather boots and a brown leather small bag thrown across my chest.

the boys both stared at me, so i slowly reached into my jacket pocket and fumbled around until, sure enough, i found a packet of mint mojito gum. when i showed this to the boys, scott just looked at with 'i told you so' plastered across his face.

"so, all this started with a bite?" i asked, as we continued our search for the other half of the body scott claimed to have found last night. scott was presenting us with his theory, that is was an adrenaline rush caused from an infection.

stiles then presented the idea that it was because scott was turning into a werewolf, following with a faint howl. i laughed, and then pushed his body away from mine after scott had pushed him into me. he continued to push this theory, laughing and growling? scott was getting annoyed.

"okay, obviously he's kidding, lets not lose our heads." i piped up, walking in between the two. stiles pointed at me to agree with what i had said, but then pointed at scott.

"but, if you see me in shop class trying to melt all the silver i can find it's 'cause friday's a full moon."

when we arrived at the area scott claimed to have seen the body, there was nothing there. just a pile of leaves. he then reminded us that we were also looking for his inhaler. while the boys scanned the floor, i tried to alert them to the man stood staring at us. no one reacted, until i smacked them both.

"ow!" stiles overreacted, as usual, but quickly shut up when he saw what i was trying to alert them to. the man quickly made his way over to us.

"what are you doing here?" he asked, but it sounded like more of a threat coming out of his mouth. we chose not to answer. he then informed us that we were on private property. when scott tried to explain, the man threw over his inhaler. i watched as he caught it, and then looked back to the guy. he didn't say anything else, simply turning away and walking off.

stiles then informed us that the guy was derek hale. i was unaware of what the significance of that was, but stiles explained that he was one of the only survivors of the hale fire. i obviously knew what that was, as it was one of the biggest events to happen in our boring town of beacon hills. i began to feel uncomfortable, so i asked the guys if we could leave. stiles agreed to take us both home, seeing as scott also had a job to get to. 

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