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i sighed as i rolled to the outer side of my bed. i hadn't slept a wink. every time i closed my eyes, i either saw the wolf, or the body. this time, when i opened my eyes, the sun was shining through the window. when i looked at the seat, i saw scott staring at me. i was obviously startled, and also incredibly confused as to how he had gotten into my room. then, i noticed the one of the windows was open. makes sense. i still hadn't officially moved into my sisters room yet. she had painted my room like she promised, and the room was empty, but i would have to unbuild all my furniture, carry it in, rebuild it all. then, i would have to decorate, re organise and clean.

"uh...good morning?" i greeted, struggling to open my eyes with the bright light shining directly into them. he stood up and walked over to me and i propped myself up with my elbow.

"i just wanted to make sure you were okay. after last night."

"ah, well i didn't sleep. but i'm okay."

"we're going to the house now, to call the sheriff. you coming?" he asked. i stood up and walked to the window seat. i knelt on it and saw stiles leaning against his jeep which was situated in my empty driveway. he waved when he saw me. 

i turned around on my knees, and sat down. i shook my head. 

"but i'll see you at the game tonight, then?" he continued. 

"i don't know, i don't really want to see you kill someone." i stated. scott laughed, but i was deadly serious. when he realised this, he stopped laughing. 

"oh, right. i understand. i call you?" he waved and smiled before walking to my bedroom door. so he chooses now to act normally and use the door. then, he pointed to the boxes of stuff piled on top of my next. "are you guys moving?"

"huh? oh, no. i'm moving into lucy's room. i just haven't actually done it yet." i explained, shrugging and folding my arms. 

"right. well, yeah, i'll call you." he shut the door behind him, and so i walked back to my window seat and sat down. i watched as the pair drove off, before getting ready for the day. it wasn't my plan to get up so early, but i was awake now, so i might as well have. i put on blue skinny jeans, a white tank top, and a denim jacket with no sleeves, which i paired with some black flats. 

when i joined my family downstairs, the conversation soon shifted to scott's lacrosse game. this was his first game, and they were obviously excited. i didn't want to talk about it, but there was no way to change the subject without sounding suspicious. my sister had already left for college, so she wouldn't be there, but my parents were eager to go. i brought up the fact that i didn't want to go, which obviously confused my parents. who wouldn't want to go to their bestfriend's first game? they continued to pry at me until i just gave in. i explained that i was hoping to chill out today, but i was gonna go. this shut them up. 

at the school

i stumbled through the boys locker room, determined to not see anything i didn't want to. when i turned the corner, i spotted scott, but was stopped by jackson. he had his usual 'i'm better than you in every way' look plastered across his face. i rolled my eyes in prep for whatever insult he had lined up for me. 

"what are you doing in here, freak?" he spat, looking me up and down. a couple of his teammates laughed at his comment, which made me frustrated. i really didn't see how it was so funny. 

"relax, it's not like there's much to look at." i replied, returning the favour of looking him up and down. he scoffed, and then brushed past me. the teammates that had gathered looked at me like they were impressed, and one even smirked. i raised my eyebrow and brushed past them. 

when i got to my friend, i leant against one of the lockers in front. whilst he got his lacrosse gear from his locker, i stepped around him, realising that he hadn't noticed me.then he did, and sat on the bench, to tie his shoes. scott looked up at me, and looked almost defeated. stiles walked past at that time, and stopped when he saw me.

with his eyes, he asked 'what are you doing here?', but i didn't get a chance to answer his facial expression before scott spoke.

"you going to try to convince me not to play?" he asked, as if he read my mind. before i got a chance to say 'yes', stiles responded.

"i just hope you know what you're doing." he said. i looked at him as if to say 'are you serious?' and he threw his hands up and expressed 'what?'. i rolled my eyes in response and sat next to scott. he turned to face me, and i could see the pain in his eyes.

"if i don't play, i lose first line and allison." he stated, maintaining eye contact with me. i gripped his knee and pitifully smiled.

"allison's not going anywhere." i responded, shaking my head slightly.

"and it's one game that you really don't need to play!" stiles chimed in, throwing his hands in the air. if he kept interrupting, i was gonna throw something at him. but... at least he was supporting my point. 

"i wanna play!" scott replied, throwing my hand off his knee. i sighed and stood up, making my way over to stiles. he ranted to the both of us, and stiles tried to comfort him, but i could see that it was only stressing him out more. i could only empathise with what scott was saying, as i obviously wasn't also a supernatural creature. i did feel for him. stiles was speaking way too much, and what he was saying was not helping, like at all, so i covered his mouth and pulled stiles up.

"i'm sorry, i'll stop."

"good luck." i said, and then pulled stiles away from the situation.

outside the locker room, we got into an argument about how he was handling scott's werewolvelyhood. stiles was still acting like it was the coolest thing in the world, and he couldn't see how much it was hurting our friend. i agreed, it was incredibly cool. but... it was also a major stress factor for scott, and i'm sure t wasn't helping having his main confidant acting like he was a sci-fi movie. stiles agreed to be more sensitive to the topic, which i thanked him for. we walked to the lacrosse field, and sat on the bench together. 

for a bit, we just spoke about everything. before all of this, we were best friends! stiles knew all of my secrets, and i knew all of his. but as of recently, it was like we never had a moment to ourselves. life became about scott, and his new supernatural problems. it wasn't like i didn't care, because i did, but my whole life shouldn't be about him. honestly, it was nice to take a break from it all and have a genuine conversation with my friend, like how things were before that night in the woods. i guess you truly don't appreciate the good things in life until they're gone. 

𝗺𝘆 𝗽𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗼𝗻 ~ 𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗹𝗲𝘀 𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗹𝗶𝗻𝘀𝗸𝗶Where stories live. Discover now