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i stood in front of my mirror, staring at my body, which would've been naked if i didn't have underwear on, and a strapless bra. the space between my arm, breast and shoulder had been bandaged up. when i got to the hospital, i told them i had an encounter with an angry cat. they seemed suspicious, but what else could it be? it's not like there was any other plausible option.

i didn't want to go to school today, mainly because i didn't want to see scott. i was truly scared of him. he probably didn't even remember what he had done; but i did but. it was my third time faking sick this week, and my dad was starting to get his suspicions. i was told that i absolutely had to go to school, or else my parents would be taking me to the hospital for the second time in less than a week. they told me this when i went downstairs to get breakfast, twenty minutes before i would be leaving for school. obviously, this caused an argument, which i didn't have the energy for. instead i just chose to accept my fate, and go to school. 

you need clothes for school, so i opened my closet and began looking for an outfit. i chose a black skirt over floral printed tights, and a black tank top. over the top, i wore a brown leather jacket and for shoes, i opted for biker boots. my father offered to drive me to school, and i graciously took up on his offer. 

at the high school

as we arrived to school, i immediately spotted scott near the bike racks. he lifted his hand to wave when he saw me. i held my books in one hand, shut the car door with the other and then walked straight past him. stiles was waiting for me at the bottom of the steps, and i happily greeted him. he looked back to see scott, who was very confused. 

when we entered class, stiles quickly asked me about my scratch. i just wasn't in the mood to talk about it, instead choosing to pull down my jacket sleeve and show him the bandage on my chest. in english class, scott sits next to me, and we usually take advantage of this to talk during class, but today, i chose not to look at him. throughout english, he tried to get my attention, even resorting to throwing a pen at me, but i told him to leave me alone. i was pissed, and he didn't seem to want to accept that. 

during my free period, i sat against the lockers, going through my chemistry textbook. i was unbelievably bad at chemistry, and i was trying to use all my spare time to improve. however, i was interrupted by stiles towering over me. i had to remove my headphones to acknowledge him, but continued to read through my notes. before i could continue, though, stiles ripped my textbook from my hands, and my bag from beside me. he forcefully shoved the book inside, overdramatically as well. then, he pulled my up and placed my bag over my shoulder. i was incredibly confused as to what he was doing, and as to why he wasn't using his words. 

from behind, he gripped my arms, and was careful to not hurt me. he began pushing me forward, and i instinctively resisted. i didn't even know what he was doing, but it seemed sketchy, so i obviously didn't want to comply. finally, he stopped pushing me when we reached the outside of the boys locker room. i began to understand what was happening, or at least some of it, so i tried to leave. this time, it was stiles restricting me. i became frustrated. 

"stiles, i will inflict pain on you if you don't move." he scoffed at me, and told me he was stronger. i scoffed back, and punched him in the bicep, or lack thereof.

"ow!" he exclaimed, in a high pitched voice. he started rubbing his arm to make himself feel better. i rolled my eyes and just chose to enter. stiles followed behind me and shut the door. 

there scott was, sat with his head hanging low. when i entered, he looked up at me, with apologetic eyes. stiles explained that he had told our friend what had happened, or what scott had done. he tried to justify it by saying that he wasn't in control, but quickly shut up when i revealed the extent of my injury to him. this made him profusely apologise. i rolled my eyes at him. he was only apologising because stiles was making him. however, when i came to the conclusion that he was my only other friend, i decided i would remain civil with him. it's not like i had many other people to turn to. scott wasn't one hundred percent forgiven yet, but i agreed to let him make it up to me. 

𝗺𝘆 𝗽𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗼𝗻 ~ 𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗹𝗲𝘀 𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗹𝗶𝗻𝘀𝗸𝗶Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang