e i g h t e e n

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i strolled the hallways as i made my way back to maths. once again, i had gone to the toilet in an attempt to miss out on the horror that was mathematics. i walked past the boys locker room, and noticed a suspicious looking derek exiting. he went straight past me, and then sighed when he realised he would have to explain why he was here to me. he receded, and then rolled his eyes. 

"why aren't you in class?" he asked. i was slightly taken aback by his question. 

"the audacity." i scoffed. 


"why are you here derek? if it's for scott, no-ones seen him all day."

"it's not- i'm not. i was here to see jackson." he responded, slightly cutting me off. i raised my eyebrows, and began to question why. "i just needed to talk to him about the 'animal' attack last night."

"but it's not 'just talking' with you, is it? did you threaten him?" i asked.

"no! well, not directly."

"derek! you can't go around threatening high-schoolers. it's probably illegal. and you can't get arrested again. scott needs you." i exclaimed, looking at him with disappointment.

"scott hates me!"

"no he doesn't!" derek looked at me with ultimate disbelief. "okay, maybe he hates you a little bit. but he does need you. he just doesn't know it yet."

"thanks for the uplifting chat, but i've really got to get going." he pushed past me but i stopped him by grabbing his arm. he looked at me with his eyes widened, which i'm sure he meant as a way to get me to let go. 

"just... don't give up on him. please."

at the stilinski house

i was lying on stiles' bed and completing my biology homework. stiles was desperately trying to contact scott; leaving him angry voicemails and frantic texts. i wasn't concerned one bit about scott. he was a big boy- a werewolf. he could handle himself. 

"hey, it's me again. look, i found something, and i don't know what to do, okay? so if you could turn on your phone right now, that'd be great. or else i'll kill you. do you understand me? i'm gonna kill you. and i'm too upset to come up with a witty description about how exactly i'm gonna kill you, but i'm just gonna do it, okay? i'm gonna... ugh! goodbye." stiles threw his phone onto the bed in frustration, and narrowly avoided my face. i watched as he sat on his chair and sighed. however, a knock at the door spooked us both and he was forced to ignore his anger for a little bit. 

it was sheriff stilinski. 

"please tell me i'm gonna hear good news at the parent/teacher thing tonight." he asked, barely acknowledging me with just a nod in my general direction. 

"depends on how you define 'good news'." stiles was clearly not upset anymore, as his reply was witty and sarcastic. 

"i define it as you getting straight a's with no behavioural issues."

"you might wanna rethink that definition." i rolled my eyes at stiles' response.

"enough said. what about you talia? is it all good news for you tonight?" he asked me.

"i should hope so, sir." he nodded and then shut the door. 

"can you stop being so perfect?" stiles asked, lying down next to me. 

"excuse me?"

"if you weren't so good at everything ever, then my father wouldn't constantly compare you to me." he explained. i chuckled at him. i wasn't perfect, i was far from it. although he was my best friend, he didn't know everything about me. like how most of my meals didn't stay in my stomach for long- or how some days i was too mentally exhausted to leave my bed.

"i'm not perfect, stiles." i mumbled. 

"yeah, you are." i smiled at him before looking down. 

"um, well i've gotta get going, my mom's expecting me."

"yeah, i'll see you tomorrow."

i gathered my things and left his room. luckily, i didn't have to walk home, as the sheriff gave me a ride. i was thankful, but it meant that i was going to have to avoid talking too much as i had a tendency to say things i wasn't meant to. he didn't bother making conversation, but it was a comfortable silence. i had known the sheriff for years, and he was like a second father to me. 

when i arrived at my house, i said goodbye to stilinski and went inside. my mother was sat on the couch, with her leg crossed over and her handbag next to her. she was viciously texting, and anxiously looking at the clock. the door shutting made my presence known, and she shot up. i dropped my school bag and chuckled as she rushed to gather her things. 

"where have you been? the parent teacher conferences start in an hour!" she exclaimed, collecting her car keys off the table in the entrance. 

"mom, it's six o'clock, our sessions don't start until 7:30. chill. where's dad anyways?" i folded my arms, and waited for her response. 

"he's meeting us there." she muttered. 

"well, we've got over an hour before we have to leave. i'm ordering a pizza."

"absolutely not! i'm gonna wait in the car and you're going to get changed into something more appropriate. you know what they say, on time is late, and being late is unacceptable." 

i rolled my eyes as she shooed me up the stairs. i unbraided my hair and quickly styled it. i threw on a white, long sleeved tee and a floral, thin strapped dress, with some black biker boots. before running out of the room, i grabbed my phone and texted stiles. 

U going 2nite?

No, can't face dad's disappointment...


Mom's dragging me along :((

LOL, sucks 2 be U

Whatever, C U tomo


when i joined my mother in the car, she had a look of disgust plastered across her face. 

"i told you to look presentable. you look like you going out on the town!"

"if this is what you wore on a night out, then how did you ever get laid?" i mumbled to myself. by some work of god, though, she heard it. 

"taila! that is so disrespectful! and i... never got laid. the only man i have ever been with is your father." she stated. 


at the school

i hugged myself tightly, and regretted not bringing a jacket. however, i'd be damned if i let my mother know that she was right. instead, my teeth quietly chattered and i held back shivers. the sheriff and my parents were having a conversation, talking about what they had just been told during the conference. 

then, out of absolutely nowhere, a chilling scream echoed through the parking lot. everyone started freaking out, and running in all different directions. obviously, i became weary, but, for different reasons than everyone else. i knew that there was things out there that could cause a lot more harm than a coyote. the sheriff quickly left to investigate, and to do his best to catch whatever it was, and i was just praying that it wasn't a werewolf. more people were screaming, and i began to get an unsettling feeling. my dad was shielding me, and trying to get me to the car, but i was doing my best to stay alert and figure out if the thing was more than human.

just as we got to our car, i watched as mr. stilinski got knocked down by a car. immediately, i rushed to his side. he kept repeating that he was okay, and quickly reached for his gun. however, there was shots fired much quicker than i anticipated, and from a completely different area of the parking lot. i left his side to go in the direction of the gunshot, to find allison's father holding the weapon, and standing over the body of a mountain lion. the scene upset me, so i looked away, but was thankful that it was nothing more. 

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