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"scott! where the hell did you go? and where have you been all weekend?" i exclaimed, as my friend joined me at the entrance to school. he gave me a wide eyed expression, and sighed profusely. 

"i had a crazy dream about allison. it got violent." i rolled my eyes, of course it was because of her. we continued to walk to the front doors of school, and he began explaining what had happened. if i had dreamt that, i'd be spooked too. at the steps, we were joined by our third. stiles threw his hands up in the air, as if to ask 'what the hell man?'. so scott told him the same thing he had just told me. after mentioning allison, stiles and i made eye contact, and pulled the same 'knew it' face. just as we were opening the doors to school, stiles spoke again.  

"so you killed her?" he asked, which i was curious to know too.

"i don't know." scott stuttered back. "i just woke up. and i was sweating like crazy and i couldn't breathe. i've never had a dream where i woke up like that before."

scott looked between me and stiles as he explained his dream. i raised my eyebrows in response. 

"really?" stiles began, looking directly at me. "i have. usually ends a little differently."


stiles' comment made me cringe, but it also made me think about the dream i had about him. it was pretty intense and got very sexual, and it made me look at stiles extremely differently. for my whole life, everyone has assumed that i was either dating scott or stiles. i hated this because they genuinely were just my best friends. plus, it sucked having every person i have ever known, including my parents, assuming we liked each other because of how close we were. it was pretty sexist, to be honest, because no one ever bothered the boys about it, but i had plenty of girls hating me for being so close to them. luckily, this changed when we got to high school, seeing as their status was not that cool. no one liked them like that anymore, and that was why, until now, they hadn't had any girlfriends. i hadn't had a boyfriend, either though, but we don't talk about that. 

"tmi, stiles." i replied, scrunching my face up at what he had said. he clearly didn't see anything wrong with what he had said, which he expressed through the face he pulled. there was silence for a short while, as we all processed our conversation. 

"a, i meant i've never had a dream that felt that real, and b, never give me that much detail about you in bed again." scott said, also disgusted by our friend. thankfully, i wasn't the only one who was absolutely disgusted by our friend. 

"yeah i'm with scott, that part of your personal life is a little too... personal." i said, forcefully chuckling. stiles took a deep breath, before saying 'noted'.

"let me take a guess here though-" i tried to speak, but scott quickly cut me off. 

"no, i know. you think it has something to do with me going out with allison tomorrow. like... i'm gonna lose control and rip her throat out." scott became quieter as he spoke, beginning to believe this violent narrative. before i could agree with him, because that was exactly what i was going to say, stiles stepping in front of me, and spoke.

"no, of course not!" he gave me a 'shut the hell up' look, so i rolled my eyes in response. 

"yeah, that's totally it." i continued. scott deserved honesty. stiles further agreed with me, he just didn't want to be the one to say it. we continued to talk about this whole werewolf situation, until scott brought up derek. this annoyed stiles, but i didn't even notice they had stopped.

by the time i did, they were nowhere to be seen. i guessed they had just gone to class, without saying goodbye, which was very common of them, so i was ready to do the same. this was until a commotion carried me out to the bus lot. i became incredibly stressed out, as i could barely move, and it wasn't my choose to exit the school. although i was unable to spot my friends, i did see a bus that was in a certain bloodied up state. i also noticed the police officers and detectives scattered around the place. and from what i saw in front of me, and what scott had just described to us, i began to wonder if his dream was actually a reality. was my childhood best friend really a monster; a murderer?

at lunch break

"but dreams aren't memories." i stated, as i walked over to a random lunch table with my friends. we didn't have a regular table, and it was very rare that we'd even have somewhere to sit, that wasn't outside or on the cafeteria floor. 

"then it wasn't a dream. something happened last night, and i can't remember what." scott responded, as we all sat down, me on the left of stiles, and scott opposite us. he placed his bag in the chair next to him, so allison would be able to join us. i wasn't happy about this, but i knew that i didn't really have a choice in the matter. 

"what makes you so sure that derek even has all the answers?" stiles asked, bringing up what they had discussed earlier. i was curious too, so i eagerly listened whilst peeling my orange.

"because... during the full moon he wasn't changed." scott replied. i wasn't even aware that werewolves were able to control themselves on a night of a full moon. "he was in total control."

"while you were running around in the middle of the night attacking some totally innocent guy." i stated, without realising i was voicing my thoughts. stiles looked frustrated with me, but quickly tried to assure scott. i cringed at myself, and forcefully smiled at scott. 

"you don't know that!" stiles chimed in. 

"i don't not know it." scott seemed genuinely convinced that he had hurt that man, and i wasn't too sure he hadn't. "i can't go out with allison! i have to cancel."

"no, you're not cancelling, okay?" stiles stopped scott from overthinking. "you can't just cancel your entire life."

"we'll figure it out." i smiled, reaching across the table and holding scotts hand. he smiled back, but our moment was soon interrupted but lydia and her crew joining us. allison gave scott a strange look when she saw my hand in his, and when our eyes met, she looked disgusted. scott immediately pulled his hand back, which sorta upset me. ever since we were little, if either one of us were stressed, our hands would meet. it was how we would comfort each other if we weren't able to talk. like, if i was being yelled at by a teacher, scott would reach over his desk and hold my hand, which would prevent me from crying. it was never anything more than a friend helping out another friend, but allison managed to make me feel guilty about that. 

i threw that hand onto my lap, and used the other one to eat my orange. lydia sat on one side of scott, and allison sat on the other side, opposite me. danny was on the other side of stiles, and jackson sat at the top of the table. whilst i ate my orange, everyone else on the table talked about what happened last night. i was sort of pushed out of the group, because everyone crowded around stiles' phone in a way that excluded me. to be completely honest, i didn't care. i wasn't that bothered by this, seeing as i was literally so used to this kind of treatment. i sipped my water, and then pulled textbook out of my bag. whilst they all talked about whatever, i read through some of the assigned chemistry reading. 

"hello? talia?" i felt the textbook fall out of my hands and hit the floor. there was also a hand waving in my face. i looked up to jackson retreating to his seat and stiles putting his hand down. lydia rolled her eyes at me. 

"sorry. sorry, what's up?" i responded, picking the book off the floor and putting it back into my bag. 

"allison was just saying that you and stiles are welcome to come on our outing too, make it a triple date." lydia replied, forcefully smiling and pushing her shoulder slightly forward. my eyes widened and i looked to face stiles. he was lightly shaking his head. 

"oh no, we're just friends."

𝗺𝘆 𝗽𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗼𝗻 ~ 𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗹𝗲𝘀 𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗹𝗶𝗻𝘀𝗸𝗶Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang