f o u r

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whilst walking through the school hallway, i was stopped by stiles calling after me. he seemed frantic. i looked at him with my eyes widened and eyebrows raised. why was this boy so panicked? before i could even ask what the problem was, he began to answer. 

"i heard my dad on the phone, guess what?" stiles was stood in front of me, holding a lacrosse stick and helmet. i was waiting for him to tell me, but i think he was actually waiting for me to guess. 

"what? stiles!" i asked, assuming that it would be something so stupid. he always did this, get so excited over something so minor. or maybe there was another half of a body in the woods! whatever it was, he was really dragging it out. 

"they found animal hairs on the body! wolf hairs." oh, something not so minor. the dots in my head started connecting. scott's bite healing and the sudden new abilities, there's no way he was actually turning into a werewolf. werewolves aren't real! stiles was slowly nodding as he saw the realisation on my face. we were thinking the exact same thing.

"you have to tell scott!" i answered, with sudden fear rushing through my body. i started running in the direction of the lacrosse field, but stopped when i realised that he wasn't following me. i had to explain everything to this boy. "well? are you coming?"

"right!" he responded

as we ran together, i felt the fear of the unknown creeping into my mind. when we got to scott, he wasn't ready to hear what stiles had to say, or maybe he just didn't care. he ran onto the field, and waited for our friend to join him. stiles looked at me, but i was unable to find words, and just raised my hands in response to what just happened. then, coach blew a whistle and gathered all the players. stiles and i parted ways, and i joined my classmates on the bench, who were all eager to watch the practise. when i looked to the side of me, i saw allison. she smiled when our eyes met, but i found that we were both focused on scott for the game. during the commotion of the game, she sparked a conversation between us.

"hey, i never got your name! you're scott's friend, right." she had to speak louder than regular, over the music, cheering, and conversation around us.

"i'm talia! you're allison, right?" i didn't want to engage, but i was raised right and wasn't an asshole.

"yeah! we're in english together!" our conversation was interrupted when i was left speechless by scott doing a full front flip over a player. not to mention that he scored! my mouth was left wide open, and i was completely confused. the field was filled with cheers, and the bleachers, but surprisingly, coach seemed pissed. they had a tense conversation, but i was filled with joy when i heard that scott had made first line. i joined allison in cheering him on. but, when i looked at stiles, and he looked at me, we acknowledged that we had witnessed the same thing, and that neither of us were imagining it. it felt like we were thinking the same thing, that there was an actual possibility our friend was becoming a werewolf. 

i didn't want to watch the rest of the game, so i left the bleachers. thankfully, no one followed me. i roamed the school hallways, trailing my fingers along the lockers and dodging other people. eventually, i found myself back at the playing field. however, i chose not to sit on the bleachers this time. i didn't want to have to clamber over people if i chose to leave again. instead, i sat with stiles on the bench. coach tried to physically move me, because it went against the rules, but i just wouldn't budge. it was just a practise, who was i going to hurt? we had the same fearful look on our faces. i gripped his arm as we watched the game continue. every time something slightly dangerous happened, i would cling harder. i was truly terrified that scott was gonna kill someone on the field, or even worse, get himself killed. 

at the stilinski house

i examined the room around me, as stiles violently tapped away at his computer. after the game, we decided that we had to get to the bottom of whatever was happening with our friend. i helped him research for a little bit, but ended up falling asleep on his bed. when i woke up, he was still at his computer. it was like five am. i walked up behind him, and when he saw i was awake, he gestured to all the papers in front of him, and the multiple tabs open on his computer. i leant over his shoulder, but as i had just woken up, i didn't feel like standing. i walked around to where stiles was sitting, and comfortably sat on his lap. his mouth was left wide open, and he leant back with his hands up. i guess he didn't want to touch me, inappropriately?

𝗺𝘆 𝗽𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗼𝗻 ~ 𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗹𝗲𝘀 𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗹𝗶𝗻𝘀𝗸𝗶Where stories live. Discover now