f i f t e e n

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i didn't really want to talk about it more, which i think stiles could gather because instead of replying, he placed his hand on top of my thigh, gesturing for me to hold it. my hand fit nicely in his, and i decided to rest my head on his shoulder. for once, he didn't tense at our bodies meeting, which had been doing so much recently. this comforted me, as things were starting to go back to normal, and i was able to drift off on his shoulder. however, my slumber was interrupted by stiles shifting his shoulder to get me to move. i obliged, and looked up at him to see what was up. instead of asking, i just observed his mannerisms. the boy's eyes kept shifting between my lips and my eyes. i tried to hide me shock, but it was pretty obvious that my breath was becoming shorter and quicker.

was he about to kiss me?

my question was soon answered when he began to lean in. i was still trying to hide the fact that i was freaking out about what was about to happen. i mean, after everything that has happened between me and him in the past few weeks, this was kind of expected. but... after everything that has happened in our whole lives, stiles and i dating? that's like the most unexpected thing i could've ever thought of. 

however, we were quickly interrupted by a flashlight shining through the gap in our heads. although i was nervous, i had began to lean in too. the blinding light made us both snap our heads away from each other, and in the direction it was coming from. i couldn't see who it was, but decided to jump down from the monkey bars in case i was going to have to run. after what had been happening with scott and derek, and the body in the woods, i wouldn't be surprised if we did end up having to run. thankfully, it wasn't a cold blooded murderer. instead, a sheriff's deputy. i was incredibly confused, but just assumed that it was someone patrolling the preserve. i guessed that they were going to tell us to leave, seeing as this was now state property that was banned from the public. 

"talia? stiles?" they called out. i was, once again, made confused as to why they knew our names. this happened every single time a deputy knew who we were, but then i remembered who stiles' dad was, and that we were all known around the department. "talia, you're father called in for you about an hour ago. i have to take you home."

i felt a mix of shock and anger. he seriously called the police me? he really does have the nerve, doesn't he? i mean, i just walked in on him cheating on my mom, and he wants to poke the bear by getting the sheriffs department involved. i was planning to tell my mom anyways, but this just meant that i would do it even sooner, and even more brutal on his part. well done dad, you've just gone and screwed things up a whole lot more. stiles and i looked at each other, and then at the deputy in front of us. she gestured for us to make our way out of the playground, and over to her. we did as she wanted, and followed her out of the preserve. i was unsure as to how she knew to find us here, but decided to not ask any questions. i was mainly annoyed, and thought that it would be best to not take that anger out on the sheriff's deputy. she probably wouldn't be happy if a teenage girl started sassing her out. 

instead, i said a quick goodbye to stiles, and got in the passenger seat of the deputy's car. this wasn't my first time being taken home by a deputy, and probably wouldn't be my last. i felt too awkward to say a proper goodbye to my friend, after everything that had just happened. we had opened up to each other for the first time in a long time, and would most definitely have kissed if we weren't interrupted. the idea of us kissing really stressed me out. what would it mean for our friendship? would we start dating? would we never talk about it again? would we never talk again?

𝗺𝘆 𝗽𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗼𝗻 ~ 𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗹𝗲𝘀 𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗹𝗶𝗻𝘀𝗸𝗶Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon