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Lauren's POV

Nash looked up shocked. "W-What?" He stuttered.

"Nothing." I mumbled and put the things I used to clean his "Battle Scars" with ;) (A/N: Great song)

"No. Lauren, we both know what you said." He Said.

"Then why are you asking." I asked walking out of the bathroom.

"Uhhh, thats not important! You... "Love" me and you know it." He smirked walking closer to me so that we were only inches apart.

"... yeah I love Nutella too." I laughed. Nash shook his head and laughed. He looked at my lips then licked his the looked at me and leaned in. The moment our lips touched fireworks went of everywhere. I felt like I was in some twisted fairytale. I didn't push Nash away though, my mind was telling my hands to push him away and my lips to stop kissing him but they disobeyed my commands and pleads.

Nash was the first to pull away with a smile. "So you... do love me." He said.

"Maybe..." I looked away smirking.

"W-Would you maybe.. be my girlfriend?" He asked nervously. My Mind was screaming "Hell nah!" But my heart was whispering "Yes! I love you!" I shook my head. Im so confused.

"Nash... I mean.. I-I" I stoped talking to take a breath. "I can't right now Hamilton. Maybe later on when we fully rebuild our friendship and trust. I want to be able to trust you before anything too serious happens." I said looking him in his bright blue eyes.

"Okay. I'll wait." He smiled and hugged me. "I'll always be waiting." He wisperd while hugging me. Im not sure if I was supposed to hear that but I pulled away from him and kissed his cheek causing him to blush.

"Your cute Grier. Now go take a shower or something!" I laughed.

"A shower?" He laughed.

"I dont know!" I said pushing him out of my room. Once I got him out of my room I huffed.

My eyes wandered upon my pictures that I had hung up all over my room. One was of me at eight years old and my dad, hugging. I frowned slightly, that was the year he got in a car accident and was killed on contact. Ever since then everything with my mind has been messed up. I dont have mental problems or anything but I've just felt... lost. My father was my best friend. The one person I could count on since my mom was always at work. Nash and Cameron were the only ones there for me, we were young but Nash being there for me made me some what sane once I went into middle school and everyone was talking about boyfriends and how they shouldn't be scared of their dad's. And going to California with Cameron each summer was sort of like a getaway. He helped me forget about everything back in North Carolina. Every January 11th I lock myself in my room and cry all day. I cry for my dad. I cry for the people in the other car. I cry for everything.

I shook my head and walked towards my bed forgetting about the party that was probably still going on downstairs and layed down preparing myself for the events of tomorrow.

Once I woke up the next day I took a shower and  changed into my hot pink bikini, black flip flops, black Ray bans and I let my natural blonde hair down. I applied some water proof mascara quickly then ran (literally) down my stairs and into the kitchen to make myself a bowl of cereal.

But once I got downstairs it was a huge mess. Beer bottles everywhere, red cups, a random person that I think is Ryan, and chips everywhere and im not even going to bring up the puke.

"What the hell?" I mumbled poking the person that was laying on the ground.

"Mmm." The person mumbled.

"Ryan?" I asked.

"What." He spat then his hands flew to his head. "Ow, ow, ow, ow!"

"First off, you are asleep on my floor." I glared at him as he stood up slowly. "And secondly, You got smashed last night I guess..." I shook my head.

"Yeah... Can I get a glass of water?" He asked.

"Umm yeah? But not here." I smirked.

"God Damn! I'm fucking done with your shit! You think just because Nash likes you that your the fucking Queen now or something and everyone should bow down to you! News flash babe, your not the Queen. And I ain't gonna bow down to your ratchet ass." He yelled then turned around to see a furious Jack Johnson. 

"Im not going to waist my breath on you so I'll make it quick. You better get the fuck Outta here before the fucking ambulance has to." He said glaring at Ryan.

"The fuck ever. Dallas, watch your back." He exclaimed walking out of the living room.

"Lauren don't worrie about that idiot. He's a bitch, nothing more nothing less." Jack said hugging me.

"Okay." I wisperd.  How can I not worrie about him? He bullies me nearly every day at school.


Yeah, I know its A short chapter but oh well. Im going to be writing another story called "Happy Little Pill" but I have absolutely no idea as to who im going to make it about... perhaps O2l? 5SOS? Vine boys? Austin Mahone? YouTubers??? But I do know its going to be a FanFic.

Plz comment what you think I should write it about.

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