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Lauren's POV

"You really think it'll work?" I asked. Alex and I have formed a 'plan' if you will, about how to get out of this damn place.

"Uhh...we can try." He smiled still unsure of the plan.

"Okay." I returned the smile.

              ~One Hour Later~

"Lauren get your skanky (I never use that word so idk if its spelt right.) Ass ready." Ryan said walking down the stairs. I looked over to Alex and he gave me a reassuring smile and mouthed "You Got This." I returned the smile.

Ryan blindfolded Alex for the second time today and walked over to me with what he would call a "Seductive Smirk" but what I -and everyone else- would call it a "Look Of Constipation"

Ryan got down on his knees and pulled down my black leggings that I still had on since the day I went to the park. Then, he started to take off my "Pink" sweatshirt until I kicked Ryan in his "No No" area a few times causing him to fall over. I quickly yelled "Hurry Alex!" From lack of food the past year, him and I have gotten much more skinner so it was easy for him and I to slip our wrists out of the chains and out ankles.

"Okay.." Alex said once he was done. He helped me get out of the chains, punched Ryan a few times, Kicked his "No No" area, and we chained him up.

Then, we ran up the stairs. It was very difficult because of not standing for over a year but we where determined to get out of there. Once we reached the upstairs I locked the door behind me and took the key.

We ran outside for the first time in a long time.

"I can't believe it.." I gasped. Alex then turned to me and hugged me.

"Thank you." He smiled.

"Don't thank me. But we probably need to get as far away from this place as we can." I said.

"Your right. Let's go to your house."

I froze. My house. The same place I found that note. The same place Nash admitted his feelings for me. The place where Nash kissed me. The place where Nash and Dillon fought over me...

"Um yeah sure. Let's go."

We decided to run to my house. The more distance we can put between us and Ryan the better.

As we ran I thought about Nash and Cameron.

Maybe they moved. Maybe they stopped looking for me. Maybe they stopped caring. Maybe they never did.

I shook my head and tried to stop thinking about them. 

As we came closer to my house I started to worry.

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