Chapter 1: New Love

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Y/N and Jimin continued running. They ran and ran until their legs were ready to fall off.

After some time, they stopped running. They had no idea where they were.

Jimin: It seems the sweet little angel couldn't keep her sweet little eyes off the devil.

Jimin pulled Y/N in for yet another kiss. She responded.

Suddenly, Y/N passed out.

Jimin: Fuck...

He picked up Y/N.

Jimin carried Y/N into a nearly-empty restaurant.

Jimin: Can someone help me out here? She passed out...

The people in the restaurant were frightened by the sight of Jimin and quickly took care of Y/N.

Manager: Please, don't harm us. We'll take care of her. The workers will take care of you as well.

Jimin: Perfect... make sure they don't screw anything up.

Manager: Yes, yes!

Some of the workers took Y/N to the back.

Worker: *He was constantly stuttering.* Uh... Uh... S-so w-w-would you li-ke something to d-d-d-drink?

Jimin: *He quickly snapped.* Stop stuttering! I don't want anything! I just want her to be okay!

Worker: Y-y-yes sir... I am v-very s-s-s-so-sorry...

Jimin: What are they doing to her back there?

Worker: Uh... I-I-I will go c-check!

The frightened worker away and soon came back.

Worker: T-they are trying to c-c-c-cool her down... I will aler-alert you when she awakes.

Jimin: You better. *He gave a chilling glare.*

The worker ran away.

[Time skips. Y/N slowly awakes.]

The worker ran back to where Jimin was sitting.

Worker: Sir! She's a-a-a-a-wake!

Jimin: *He quickly sat up.* Bring her out now. I need to see her.

Worker: Er...

Jimin: What the hell did you do?!

Wokrer: Nothing! The th-thing is i-s that she is very w-w-w-weak and h-has trouble walking...

Jimin: Then can I go see her?

Wokrer: Uh... my manager thinks it is best t-to w-w-w-w-wait.

Jimin: An estimate.

Worker: Huh?

Jimin: An estimate! Give me a damn estimate!

Wokre: About 5 m-m-min-minutes?

Jimin: That's fine, I suppose.

After some more time, Y/N walked out.

Jimin: *He ran over.* Y/N! Are you okay?!

Y/N: I'm fine... Let's just find somewhere to stay... I'm exhausted...

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