Chapter 8: It's About Time

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Y/N: I don't want to live with you. I don't want to even spend one more damn second near you.

Jimin: Well, too bad. You kinda brought this upon yourself…

Jungkook: Shut up.

Jimin: No one wants to hear what you have to say.

???: Mr. Park, I advise that you calm down a bit. Your wedding was rescheduled to tomorrow.


???: Yes, although, I am afraid that this decision was out of my control.

Jimin: Well fuck. Everything's ready then, I suppose?

???: Yes.

Jimin: That's great… now bring these bastards inside. Y/N, Hoseok, you two come with me.

Jimin walked with Y/N and Hoseok while the driver walked with the other frightened 5.

Y/N: How'd you get a place this big?

Jimin: I inherited it from my mother. I try to take care of it as best I can.

Jimin came to a halt in the middle of the house, with all the others behind him.

Jimin: As you all just heard, the wedding is tomorrow. Unfortunately, you five bastards have to be there too. Hoseok, your job is to make sure nothing happens to Y/N while I'm away, which won't be for a long period of time. You know what'll happen if you betray me.

Hoseok stood up straight.

Hoseok: Yes, Mr. Park.

Jimin: He nodded his head. As for you five, you can't just wear ordinary tuxes. I have a taylor that will make one for you.

Everyone stood still, like a statue.

Jimin: His voice deepened. Do you all understand?

Everyone nodded their heads.

Jimin: Now, don't think that you'll be able to escape easily. I've tightened security around here, so no one's making it out of here.

Everyone else nodded their head again.

Jimin: Now get out of my damn face.

They all ran off to an upstairs bedroom.

Taehyung closed the door behind everyone.

Namjoon: Holy crap, he's like a military general.

Jungkook: Except scarier.

Jin: Are you stupid? Military generals are a lot worse than that.

Y/N: She spoke with a sarcastic tone. Well, it's SO fun that I get to spend the rest of my life with him.

Taehyung: I seriously feel bad for you.

Yoongi: We really should get you out of here.

Y/N: And how the hell are you going to do that?!

Namjoon: Shh, quiet down. Jimin said he's tightened security, so we can't be heard at all.

Y/N: Well I'm curious about how you guys think there's any way for me to leave here.

Jin: Maybe tomorrow, at the wedding. If there's ever a time where he's away for enough time, we'll one-by-one "go to the bathroom".

Jungkook: What if the bathroom's nowhere near the exit?

Jin: Then that sucks, and it'd be stupid.

Yoongi: How is it stupid?

Jin: What if you wanted to use the bathroom before you left, but it was all the way across the building?

Taehyung: Jin, please calm down.

Jin: nO-

Hoseok: Actually, I remember Jimin showing me what the place looked like. The bathrooms are right next to the exit doors.

Namjoon: That's perfect. Although, we should have a backup plan. Like we mentioned before, Jimin tightened security here. It'll probably be the same at the wedding, or maybe, even worse.

Taehyung: Kill Jimin.

Yoongi: Woah woah woah, calm down there buddy. We really can't go that far.

Taehyung: I-I was joking.

Everyone looked at Taehyung weird.


The silence was broken.

Namjoon: I can't come up with anything.

Taehyung: Neither can I.

Jungkook: Same here.

Yoongi: Why is thinking so hard?

Jin: I still don't have think.

Hoseok: I really can't come up with anything…

Y/N: This fucking sucks. I can't think of anything either.

There was a sudden knock on the door.

An unknown voice spoke.

???: Mr. Park requests that you are all downstairs in the next two minutes.

Footsteps got further and further away from the door.

Namjoon: We're probably fucked.

To be continued…

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