Chapter 5: Race Against Time

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The other five boys already landed.

Namjoon: Let's hurry and find a place to stay. It doesn't have to have be big.

Jin: How are we supposed to live there?

Taehyung: We'll figure something out, just don't worry until we get there.

They walked around the streets.

Yoongi: He pointed to a hotel. Should we just stay in any room they have for now? It'd probably be best for now…

Taehyung: I agree. If Jimin is coming after us, we shouldn't be out in the open so much. With the way he is, it'd just make it a whole lot easier for him to find us.

Jin: Me too, I'm not trying to get Jimin's gun in my ass.

Namjoon: Jin, please calm down… we're in public…

Jin: He took swift steps towardsAfter it's up my ass, it'll be in your damn esophagus if you don't shut the fuck up right n-

Taehyung restricted Jin from getting closer to Namjoon.

Taehyung: Wow.

Yoongi: Can we go already?

They walked into the hotel, and booked a room for two weeks.

They arrive in their room.

Yoongi: How fun. One bed.

Yoongi jumped on the bed and sprawled out across the bed so there would be no room for anyone else.

Yoongi: Mine!

Jungkook: Where are we going to sleep?

Jin: Ooh, a couch!

Jin threw himself on the couch.

Jin: Mine!

Namjoon: Jin.

Jin: Mhm.

Namjoon: Sleep with Yoongi if you're gonna be like that.

Jungkook: That sounds-

Taehyung burst out in laughter, falling to the floor.



Yoongi: I'm going to fuck him in the ass with all of your fingers if no one shuts the fuck up.

Jin: Sounds exciting.

Jungkook: Okay… what the fuck is happening?!


Jimin: Thank you.

???: You're welcome, Mr. Park.

Jimin began running, with Hoseok and Y/N following.

Hoseok: Jimin thanking someone? That's unheard of nowadays!

Jimin: Shut up.

Hoseok leaned over and whispered in Y/N's ear.

Hoseok: This is the first time I've heard Jimin thank someone after he starting acting so arrogant.

Jimin: I'm not deaf. I am not arrogant.

Hoseok: Think again, smart one.

Jimin glared at Hoseok.

Hoseok immediately covered his mouth with widened eyes, realizing what he just said.

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