Chapter 26: The King's Return

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Jin: How does he know where we are???

Y/N: I don't know... but what makes it even worse is that he knows where I live.

Jungkook: Holy shit... what're we supposed to do?

Hoseok: We can't get a hotel anymore... it's getting too obvious.

Y/N: I really don't wanna say this, but... we can't go anywhere. He keeps finding us. I don't know how he's doing it, but we can't hide from him.

Namjoon: What if he takes you away from us?

Y/N: He will. He said he's going to "get me back."

Jungkook: What if we never see you again?

Y/N: Then... just go on without me. Jimin probably won't ever let me go.

Hoseok: What if he dies?

Y/N: How do you think you'd fucking kill him? He'd most likely only die from old age or health complications...

Jungkook: We could never kill him. There's no way we could ever do that.

Y/N's phone went off.

It was Jimin, once again.

"Look outside."

Y/N: I think he's here...

Jungkook: You're fucking joking.

Y/N: I really wish I was.

Jin looked out the window.

Jin: He really is here...

Y/N texted back.

"I see you."

Jimin texted back quickly.

"Let me in."

Y/N: He wants to be let in...

Hoseok: Stay here, we'll get him.

Y/N: I think we should all go together.

Jungkook: Yeah...

They all went to the main lobby to find Jimin, standing outside, staring at them.

Y/N opened the door.

Jimin: I see that these other bastards are still with you. I'm not surprised. Where's Yoongi and Taehyung? Were they too scared to see me again?

Jungkook: They're dead.

Jimin: Damn. That sucks... for you guys.

Hoseok: You've spent years with them, they were your friends.

Jimin: So?

Namjoon: You fucking bastard...

Jimin: You better watch your goddamn mouth. Anyways, I'm not here to talk to you guys. I'm here for Y/N.

Jungkook: You can either take all of us or not take anyone at all. We aren't leaving her.

Jimin: Don't tell me what to do. I'm taking ONLY Y/N. You guys can fuck off.

Jin: You're taking us too.

Jimin: He hesitated. Fine. Get in the fucking car.

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