Chapter 4: New Mission

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Author's Note: Here we go again..

Jimin: Damn. I can't let them leave... but I need Hoseok.

Jimin shook his head and ran inside the hotel.

He went up the stairs and arrived at the room, where the door was left wide open.

Jimin: Hoseok?! Where the hell are you?

A frightened Hoseok came running out from the bathroom.

Hoseok: I-I'm here!

Jimin: Come with me! We must hurry!

Hoseok: What happened?!

Jimin: They got away!

Jimin and Hoseok ran back down the stairs, and down to the street where a man in front of a car was waiting for them.

???: What took so long?

Jimin: That doesn't matter. Get us to the airport. They're trying to escape back to South Korea. We need to get there before them.

Hoseok: How do you know that they're going back to Korea?

Jimin: I may have heard their entire conversation.

???: It's quite a drive.

Jimin: Just start fucking driving already! They left a while ago!

As the man pressed his foot on the pedal, the car accelerated harshly, pushing everyone back into their seat.

The Situation with the Other Guys

Jin: What about all of our stuff?

Namjoon: What do you mean?

Jin: Back at the hotel... we didn't take anything with us.

Taehyung: I knew what was going through Namjoon's head because he had previously told me that if any of this continued to escalate, we'd be leaving early. I grabbed our phone chargers, but I don't know if anyone brought anything else.

Namjoon: ...Why do you guys think Hoseok and Jimin are doing this? Jimin especially...

Jungkook: Wait... how long have they been doing this???

Taehyung: Hold on... we don't even have a booked flight.

Yoongi: Yes we do.

Taehyung: What?

Yoongi: We were supposed to leave Japan today anyways. The timing worked out perfectly.

Jungkook: Wait... so we're just going to leave Y/N here with Jimin?!

Namjoon: ...I'm sure she'll be fine. If Jimin doesn't want his father getting suspicious about their fake love, he can't hurt her.

Jungkook: But...

Yoongi: Jeez. Calm the fuck down. She'll be alright. The worst he can do is rape her.

Everyone else: YOONGI!!!

Yoongi: Calm down, it was just a joke.

Namjoon: That's not really something to be joking about, especially at a time like this.

Yoongi: Well sorry...


As the boys got into the airport, they realized that their flight was taking off soon.

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